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Agenda item

159 Commonside East, Mitcham, CR4 2QB

Application number:  20/P1060


Ward:    Figges Marsh


Recommendation: Grant planning permission subject to a section 106 agreement for off-site affordable housing contribution, permit free development and carbon offsetting and relevant conditions.


RESOLVED that application number 20/P1060 be GRANTED planning permission subject to a section 106 agreement for off-site affordable housing

contribution, permit free development and carbon offsetting and relevant conditions.


Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of buildings to create 25 self-contained residential units with associated parking and landscaping.


The Committee noted the report and presentation of the Planning officer, and the modifications contained in the supplementary agenda.


Two parties had registered to speak in objection to the proposal, and raised a number of points including concerns that it contained number of design elements of previous applications which had been refused, the impact of the character of the area, and the third storey balcony negatively impacting the privacy of residents on Halliwell Close.


The applicant’s agent had also registered to speak and in addressing the Committee noted that the application had been revised taking into account the grounds by which previous application had been refused. Addressing the privacy concerns raised by registered objectors, the agent noted that the communal terrace would be 20 meters away from properties on Halliwell Close, and there were also plans to include planting on the terrace to ensure it would not overlook said properties. The agent also noted:

·         There were 17 proposed parking spaces and future residents would not be allowed to apply for parking permits.

·         Total S106 and CIL contributions would be in the region of £417,000, including affordable housing contributions.

·         The Design Review Panel had unanimously praised the design on the scheme, which also complied with the London Plan, the local development plan and the NPPF.


Having considered the proposal, the Committee:


RESOLVED that application number 20/P1060 be GRANTED planning permission subject to a section 106 agreement for off-site affordable housing contribution, permit free development and carbon offsetting and relevant conditions.

Supporting documents: