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Agenda item

Covid-19 Impact in Merton

Dr Dagmar Zeuner, Director of Public Health, Merton Council


Dr Dagmar Zeuner, Director of Public Health, Merton Council gave a presentation on the impact of the COVID-19 on the health of residents in Merton. The presentation is attached to this report.  


To date there have been 939 positive tests in Merton, 25th of the 32 boroughs in London per 100,000. There have been 201 deaths, with a significant number of additional deaths in March and April, many non-COVID. The additional non-COVID deaths may be due to some under reporting in care homes and other places and indirect deaths due to not accessing healthcare when they needed it. Number of deaths is now in line with the same time period in 2019. 


COVID-19 has not been evenly distributed with a higher death rate in East of borough than the west and higher incidence for BAME residents and those in high risk occupations.  


Outbreak control 

There is now low infection rates in London but we need to prepare for new clusters. Local authorities are working with the NHS and the national contact tracing scheme to track patterns. Merton Council is also making contact with high risk settings and working with them. Testing is essential to this so very important residents understand where to get a test if they show symptoms or have in been in contact with someone who has COVID-19. We are also preparing for the autumn/winter as there will be additional risks associated with flu and cold season.  


There are community actions that can help prevent the spread: 

  • Handwashing, face-coverings, social distancing, testing.  
  • Be aware of potential fraud 
  • Use GP and other services  
  • Get COVID-19 fit – stop smoking, lose weight, get fitter 
  • Manage long-term conditions 
  • Flu jabs 
  • Support for mental health 


In response to a question about the use of face masks Dr Zeuner said that the evidence is not clear-cut on their effectiveness which is why there has been so much discussion. On balance even the limited impact is better than nothing and outweighs any potential harms. Important to lead to by example so all Merton Council staff have been given face coverings. We expect it to become more socially normalised and exceptional not to wear. 


A resident asked about long term support for those with COVID-19 and Dr Zeuner said this is an important issue. Generally COVID-19 is a mild disease for many but for some it can cause horrible effects. Spending weeks in ICU will require rehabilitation. In South West London the NHS is coordinating support services to those residents. More is being learnt and research continues. Employers will also need to be understanding and recovery can take some time.   


A resident asked if COVID-19 means changes need to be made to housing policy. Dr Zeuner said we need to be warry of bending everything to COVID as there are other benefits or issues to consider. We do need to rethink but consider the balance. Human beings are wired to have social contact so need to balance that with social distancing. Lots of research still taking place. 


Asked if flu vaccination programmes will be safe Dr Zeuner said that health services are open so make sure that if you are eligible then please don’t skip. Please encourage friends and neighbours. There will be a massive effort in the NHS, and you can get vaccine from GPs, pharmacies, and even some supermarkets. 


In response to a question about diabetes Dr Zeuner said this already a priority for the Health and Well Being Board. We want to prevent Type 2, and reverse some cases through healthy living. We also need to change our environment to help make lifestyles healthier, which fits with climate emergency agenda. Services also need to support those who have diabetes. 


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