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Agenda item

Children's Health Services


Julia Groom introduced the report outlining that responsibility for public health functions had been taken on by the Council from 1st April 2013 and that a new Director of Public Health was in place to oversee this service. The service will seek to address some of the social determinants of health. Work has been  undertaken in the following areas:

·                     Early years;

·                     Children centres;

·                     Breastfeeding rates;

·                     Childhood immunisations;

·                     Healthy weight services; and 

·                     School Nurses

Strategies regarding teenage pregnancy and substance misuse and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment are also being refreshed.


Councillor Agatha Akyigyina enquired about the council’s plans for school nurses and what work was being done to encourage exercise to tackle obesity in children and young people. Julia Groom confirmed that a number of programmes are in operation aimed at encouraging exercise. There is also work beginning with two clusters in Mitcham and East Mitcham to promote healthy diet and exercise. Schools also promote physical activity.


Kaye Eilbert added that she is the lead for London Directors of Public Health on the school nursing programme and that specific standard are being developed to measure success. A local review is already underway in Merton to benchmark the service and once the national standards are agreed (expected April 2014) these will be reflected upon and further benchmarking undertaken. An additional £30,000 has been placed into the school nurse budget but it is unlikely that school nurses would be placed back in schools full time. This is not negative as all schools meet standards required by the Healthy Schools London programme at present.


Councillor Agatha Akyigyina asked about immunisation and incentives for Doctors to encourage take up. Julia Groom advised that a team of nurses is sent to schools to encourage take up, this is not done through Doctors and incentives.


Councillor Peter McCabe asked about the councils approach to tackling smoking. Kay Eilbert explained that there was a lack of focus on prevention in this strategy which needed to be addressed locally; this could include activities with organisations that would go into schools and talk to children about not taking up smoking.


Councillor Peter Walker noted that the number of fast food restaurants in the borough was an issue in seeking to address obesity. Kay Eilbert informed the Panel that we need to be careful in this area because, whilst we need to encourage healthier food choices, we also need to be mindful that these are peoples businesses. There is a London wide checklist that aims to improve the quality of what fast food restaurants offer.


Councillor Oonagh Moulton asked about immunisation rates for 10-16 year olds. Julia Groom explained that there was a catch up campaign with 10-16 year olds over the summer period and that data is still being collected on this. This data can be shared once available. Councillor Oonagh Moulton asked for this data to be brought to a future meeting of the Panel.


Kay Eilbert explained that the public health function is not responsible of vaccinations locally. They are the responsibility of the NHS. Health Scrutiny is looking at the way this is delivered. Julia Groom added that there have been improvements in quarter one in this area.


Councillor Jeff Hanna proposed that public health be considered as part of the Panels topic selection process for the 2014/15 work programme.


RESOLVED: Panel noted the report and agreed to consider if they wished to scrutinise specific areas of the health services as part of their 2014/15 work programme at the topic selection workshops.


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