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Agenda item

Climate Emergency

Katie Holder, Climate Change Officer


Katie Halter, Climate Officer for Merton Council informed residents about the Climate Emergency unanimously declared by the Council in July.


The declaration requires the borough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Data from National Statistics indicate that Merton was responsible for emitting over half a million tonnes of greenhouse gases in 2018. Gas (50%) and electricity (25%) used in Merton's buildings, and the use of petrol and diesel transport (25%) were mainly responsible. The amount of greenhouse emissions could potentially double if you include emissions that arise from good purchased in the Borough, or activities by Merton by residents outside the borough, such as flying.


There are three specific commitments in declaration

  1. Specific dates to reduce emissions – Merton Council carbon neutral by 2030; the borough as a whole by 2050.
  2. Create a Climate Emergency Action Plan by early 2020
  3. Create a Climate Emergency Working group to gather evidence and ideas, which will contribute to the formation of the Action Plan.


The targets are challenging, it means 12% annual reduction to achieve this, which implies the decarbonisation of around 3000 properties improved a year and 2,500 of the 72,000 petrol and diesel cars registered in Merton will need to be replaced by electric or active travel per year. Merton Council responsible for 2.5% of emissions, the rest are from homes and businesses in the borough.


For more information on the Climate emergency declaration, please see:


Katie set out how residents could get involved

  • Individual choices are critical – especially energy use, diet, and travel. Sustainable Merton has a helpful checklist
  • Community Projects – the Council would like to support setting them up or hearing about them
  • Climate action plan – please get involved in the consultation on the action plan when it begins in October, we welcome new ideas
  • Solar Power Together – run by Mayor of London – they have vetted solar panel providers through collective bargaining power. Depending on how many sign up they will agree a supplier who will conduct a survey and agree a final price. Last year got 35% discount and they had good feedback on installations.  



A resident asked about the connection between climate emergency and air quality and Katie responded that there was an overlap between the two so we would looking at the existing Air Quality Action Plan to identify synergies. For example, Merton has been working on education on engine idling, with signs going up and volunteers recruited. Following education of drivers then enforcement maybe necessary. A resident also asked about wood burners and Katie said that the national Government Air Quality Strategy includes consulting on removing the right to burn wood in built up areas.


A resident said that tall buildings can shade out existing solar panels, and can create microclimates. Katie said that we will be bringing in expertise to look at the sustainability of plans in Merton and this will include energy efficiency and being independent of gas. The plans that develop will apply across all regeneration projects.


A resident asked how young people will be involved. Katie said that she had already attended a Youth Parliament meeting and will be working with them and our Young Advisors to design survey to target children and young people. We will also create a young people’s advisory panel.


A resident asked about TfL moving to electric buses in Merton and Katie said we were aware of TfL plans to change over their fleet and can take on board for the action plan.


UPDATE following the meeting: Residents can get involved by completing a survey so their ideas can be included or contact