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Agenda item

Willington School, 18 Worcester Road, Wimbledon SW19 7QQ

Application Number: 19/P0375                  Ward: Hillside


Officer Recommendation: GRANT Planning permission subject to conditions


PAC Resolved that application 19/P0375 is:

Granted Planning Permission subject to conditions


Proposal: Removal of existing boundary fence, replacement with new boundary brick wall/gate, new playground timber fence/gate and erection of a single storey detached building within playground area (between new wall & fence).


The Committee noted the officer’s report and presentation and additional information in the Supplementary Agenda – Modifications.


The Committee received verbal objections from two residents, whose points are summarised below:

·         This is referred to as a temporary kitchen, but there is no application for a permanent kitchen. Residents are concerned that it will be made permanent

·         Deliveries to this kitchen will add to the traffic congestion in the area, which is already made worse by parents taking their children to the school

·         The proposed extraction will not eliminates smells from the kitchen.

·          The School has already commenced work on this building, before receiving any permission

·         Why can’t the school buy food in from neighbouring schools

·         The plans do not show the levels, also there is not a safe area shown for storage of bottled gas

·         The wall is a concern

·         Residents are concerned that they will lose their parking bays


The Committee received a verbal representation from The Head teacher and School Bursar, who made points including:

·         We are in the process of upgrading the school and this temporary kitchen is part of our spending plan

·         We are concerned about the health and wellbeing of the children and believe it is important to provide a hot lunch to the pupils, which cannot be done at the moment

·         Our Architect has given careful consideration to this temporary solution. A permanent solution will be considered in the future.

·         The School is more than happy to meet the conditions attached to this application

·         We have building contractors on site during most Summer Holidays

·         We have lowered the wall at the request of the neighbours

·         We do seek to consult with parents regarding their parking, we will work with the Council on this.


In reply to points raised by the Objectors, the Planning Team Leader North answered:

·         The Kitchen and timber screening are temporary and this is ensured by Condition

·         The proposed extraction system meets legislation. If there are problems then residents can complain to the Council’s Environmental Health Team who have the power to investigate


The Ward Councillor, Daniel Holden, addressed the Committee and made points including:

·         This application should be rejected

·         Work has started before a decision has been made

·         The application will reduce the playground by 15%

·         The extractor fans will be detrimental to the neighbours, they will be noisy and will affect neighbour amenity

·         Traffic and services in the area will be a\affected, where will delivery vans turn


In reply to Members’ questions, Officers made points including:

·         We don’t know the exact amount of play space that will be lost, but this permission is for a temporary building. It is modular and has no foundations. The site will be restored after 3 years, with the building and fencing being removed.

·         Environmental Health have provided the conditions regarding extraction and noise. The building has been kept as close to the School as possible to mitigate for such issues. Environmental legislation is in place if neighbours do have issues with noise and/or extraction of fumes.

·         The days of use of the kitchen are, by condition, Monday – Friday only. The extractor fans can only be operated 8am – 3pm by condition.

·         The existing work on site is related to a sports pitch. If there is evidence of premature work on this application then it can be passed to the Enforcement team

·         By Condition the building and fencing has to be removed after 3 years


Members made comments including:

·         Concerned that this is not an application for a  temporary structure and that this is about a long term application

·         Concern about taking away play space

·         Support for providing healthy hot meals for children





The Committee voted to GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions

Supporting documents: