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Agenda item

27 - 39 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, SW19 3SG

Application Number: 18/P4447                  Ward: Dundonald


Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions and S106 Agreement


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions and S106 Agreement


Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and structures, and redevelopment for a new 8 - storey building (plus additional plant at roof level) comprising of a hotel (use class C1) and three commercial units (a flexible use within classes A1, A2, A3 and / or A4); substation; alterations to existing access and creation of new access on Graham Road; hard and soft landscaping, ground works and associated infrastructure.


The Committee noted the officer’s report and presentation and additional information in the Supplementary Agenda. The Committee received verbal presentations from two objectors, the applicant’s agent and a Ward Councillor



The Objectors raised points including:


·         Concerned about the Safety of pedestrians using Graham Road

·         Graham Road is used by many children and families walking to School. This application proposes that Graham Road is an exit road for service vehicles 7am -11pm every day. What safety analysis has been carried out on this?

·         It is assumed that all vehicles will turn left onto Graham Road but this is to be encouraged and not enforced.

·         If this application is allowed the servicing plan should be reduced and the left hand turn should be enforced.

·         This application is repeats the design planning mistakes of the past; its height, massing and scale all being too big. It will dominate its surroundings and is against new Planning Policy

·         Is this the right place for such a big hotel?

·         There are no CGI plans to show what impact it will have on the 2 storey houses in Graham Road

·         The Police have advised that reception should be at Ground Level, not on the first floor as the design indicates


The Applicant made points including:

·         This is a high quality design and a £50million investment that will create 150 jobs.

·         We have listened and evolved the scheme. Officers say the height is acceptable and is less than Pinnacle House next door. The DRP gave it a green light. The Application is submitted to fit the requirement of the emerging local plan

·         There was concern regarding Service Vehicles using Beulah Road, and we have changed this so that vehicles will turn left onto Graham Road and then left onto Hartfield Road.

·         The building will be have a BREEAM ‘very good’ rating and will have environmentally friendly features including photovoltaic panels and green roofs


The Ward Councillor, Councillor Anthony Fairclough made points including:

·         This application will have an impact on pedestrian safety, it is not an easy site for servicing. There is a plan for vehicles to turn left onto Graham Road but it is not enforceable.

·         This is a main walking route for children and families

·         Local Businesses are concerned about the impact of the application

·         The NPPF and Merton policies could  relate  to pedestrian safety in this case

·         Condition 32 limits the hours of service vehicles.


The Planning Team Leader North made points in answer to the Objectors concerns:

·         Design is subjective and this application has been given a green light by the Design Review Panel (DRP)

·         The Design staggers down from higher neighbouring buildings

·         Following discussions the servicing was changed to using a left hand turn onto Graham Road as the exit for service vehicles


Members discussed the traffic/highway issues of servicing to the rear of the  site. The Transport Planning Officer gave information in reply to members Questions:

·         This is a highly sustainable location for transport

·         Taxis will not use the service entrance. They can drop off in the Bus Lane during off peak times. We do not expect many taxi drop offs to the hotel

·         This type of Hotel does not attract guests arriving in large parties by coach, 

·         Vehicles are much more likely to turn left out of Graham Road. It is highly unlikely that there will be more than 3 to 4 vehicles per day

·         It would be possible to add further signage to encourage this left hand turn.

·         It would be possible to fit a bollard to prevent a right hand turn, and it would be possible to make the service road one way, but it is up to the applicant to make these arrangements.


The Chair asked the Applicant about the proposal to install a bollard to ensure a left hand turn out of  Graham Road onto Hartfield Road, and about the proposal to make the section of Graham Road one way – the applicant responded that he would do both.


In reply to Members Questions the Planning Team Leader North replied:


·         Proposal does include measures to encourage a left hand turn out of Graham Road

·         Police concerns  have been dealt with by the new condition 37. Reception is on a mezzanine floor, overlooking the ground floor, which deals with a main police concern.

·         The Service Plans are based on 100% occupancy

·         The Building will be 28.4m high to the top of the plant room, 25.9m to the top of the roof. It is angled away from Graham Road to reduce impact, and is staggered down from its taller neighbours. The photovoltaic panels will lie flat so will not create ant reflection issues.


Members made comments including:


·         Have worked in Hotels and the deliveries/service vehicles per day are very limited – one linen truck per day, drinks delivery once a week and then smaller food and drink delivery vans 2 or 3 times a week

·         Applicant must enforce the left hand turns for service vehicles

·         Reassured about service vehicle frequency

·         This application is reasonable in its Town Centre location

·         This is a residential area, has always been residential and it is not appropriate to put a nine storey building next to housing, it is not the Town Centre

·         No measures can be taken to stop lorries finding their way onto the residential roads

·         First time we have seen Police involvement, with the Police unhappy with an application

·         The DRP actually gave the application a red light on two previous occasions. We should reject it based on height, massing and size

·         Concerned for residents with this servicing arrangements

·         Propose we consider changing Condition 32 to reduce servicing hours to 10am-10.30pm

·         Can’t see a good reason to refuse, the service vehicles are a restricted number, and the DRP has given it a green light

·         DRP is not a legal body.


The Committee voted to Grant Planning permission subject to conditions and S106 Agreemen. A vote to amend condition 32 regarding servicing hours was defeated.




The Committee voted to GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions and S106 Agreement

Supporting documents: