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Agenda item

Public Value Review - Street Cleaning


Cormac Stokes introduced the report and informed the Panel that anumber of Members on the Panel contributed to the scope for the review. This report outlined a number of recommendations for decision which cover:

·         Improving resilience;

·         Improved mobile response;

·         Use of apprentices (10 apprentices have already been employed)’

·         Reduced levels of sickness and reliance of agency staff (trialling team leaders and increasing supervisory presence);

·         Improving performance monitoring (including benchmarking) to increase productivity;

·         Channel shift and reduced paper based systems in the office

Councillor Janice Howard asked what the long term solution was to rubbish not being collected from the same spot if this is a recurring problem. Cormac Stokes explained that this depends on the issue and location and if some residents remember to put out their rubbish on the correct day. These issues can be investigated. With regard to town centres, time banding has been introduced in Wimbledon and improved enforcement.


Councillor Stan Anderson stated that he was pleased that there had been a reduction in the use of agency staff but what reliance is there on agency staff now. Cormac Stokes explained that agency staff are still employed when needed but that the council aim to minimise this by using mobile response teams.


Councillor Miles Windsor asked if new systems had been implemented if there was to be improved monitoring.  Cormac Stokes informed the Panel that the introduction of Senior Team Leaders will improve the levels of on-street performance management and monitoring and that in-cab technology is being investigated, linking directly to back office systems and CRM. However, the council are not looking at this level of technology for solo sweepers. There is an element of GPS tracking around mobile crews.


Councillor Miles Windsor asked about a case recently in the media regarding GPS tracking of staff in another authority and if this was a violation of human rights.  Chris Lee added that the department are working alongside the shift corporately in terms of customer contact and utilising GIS technology such as Fix my Street.


Councillor Ian Munn asked for the link to fix my Street to be sent to the Panel after the meeting.


Councillor Dennis Pearce noted the success of solo sweepers and commended this work and asked about surface water and how this was being dealt with. Cormac Stokes explained that a strategy was being developed as part of the Flood and Water Management Act responsibilities. There are new duties for the council to address with respect to surface water drainage.


Councillor Ian Munn stated that it was important to rationalise customer channels and that there may be a reluctance to use CONFIRM or the Member Enquiry system. There needs to be consistency in the use of channels. Customer satisfaction also depends on the visibility of street sweepers as Councillor Ian Munn said he had received concerns from residents regarding the absence of a well-regarded streetsweeper and that residents hoped he would get well soon and be re-instated to duties on their streets,


Cormac Stokes explained that 80% communication is received by Garth Road via email and 2 FTE are needed to re-key this information into CONFIRM. Online systems are being looked at to develop online reporting systems.


Councillor Samantha George proposed the use of Twitter. Chris Lee shared the difficulties with this channel in terms of automating customer comments.


Councillor Samantha George recommended publicising the ‘Fix my Street’ app. Chris Lee explained that the council had not gone live with this as yet as they do not have the back office systems fully up and running.


Councillor Miles Windsor asked what the timescale was for implementing these systems. Cormac Stokes informed the Panel that a procurement exercise was underway and this will take up to a year. Then services will be prioritised.


RESOLVED:            Panel noted the report.


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