Venue: This will be a virtual meeting and therefore not held in a physical location
Contact: Email:
Link: View the meeting live here
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes:Apologies for absence were received from Rob Clarke, Kalu Obuka and Mohan Sekeram.
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Minutes:There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes:RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 July 2021 were agreed as an accurate record. |
4a) Situation Assessment Report (SAR) 4b) Summary of voluntary sector funding support for practical support and CEV (clinically extremely vulnerable) residents
Minutes:The Director of Public Health provided an update of the most recent Covid-19 statistics throughout London and Merton. Infection rates remained at quite high levels. Admissions to hospital were modestly increasing, however not to the same level of increase as community infections, and ITU levels were lower and deaths also remained low. Booster vaccinations for those within the 50 plus and applicable groups, six months after their second dose, had also been confirmed. The effect of schools returning had yet to be seen but this would be monitored. Testing was continuing with LFT testing being encouraged for those frequently leaving their households. In response to questions, the Director of Public Health advised that the booster vaccination announcement was new, however, the NHS had delivery planning in place and were currently awaiting further guidance.. Borough-based conversations with Head Teachers were planned in relation to the planned vaccinations for 12-15 year olds. In relation to the continuation of mask wearing and social distancing, whilst this was no longer mandatory (with the exception of TfL public transport), it was still encouraged in crowded areas to protect others. Testing twice a week was still recommended. The sub-group was reminded of the difference between LFT (asymptomatic) and PCR (symptomatic) testing. Pop-up testing sites were being piloted within the Borough to deliver across different areas. The Business Process Lead presented an update on voluntary sector funding support and the community response to supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged residents. Regular meetings were taking place with voluntary sector organisations and the Community Response Network continued to meet once a month. Additional funding had been received from the Government to help with practical support for those isolating and clinically vulnerable residents. Mechanisms were in place to monitor the outcome of these grants. The Business Process Lead gave an overview of the work that had been undertaken following receipt of those grants. Plans were in place to speak to those clinically vulnerable to understand further what could be done to assist them. In response to questions, the Business Process Lead advised that in regards to the money currently being retained, following listening sessions with community champions, conversations were continuing to understand how best this funding could be utilised.
Vaccination Update - focus on action on equity Minutes:The Public Health Consultant and the Deputy Director for Primary Care Transformation for Merton and Wandsworth provided a presentation on the Vaccination Equity Framework. An overview of those in Merton who remained unvaccinated was given, noting the least vaccinated groups included younger people, those in black ethnic groups and those living in areas in the East of the Borough. A number of approaches had been put in place to try and reach these groups including targeted community outreach, delivery of vaccinations in a number of settings and door to door promotion. It was noted that for the next phase, the Wilson and Nelson settings would be used. The Evergreen offer continued for first and second doses. In response to questions from the sub-group, it was noted that learning from the initial door to door visits was that the messages should come from local groups and local communities.
Health and Wellbeing Board Community Subgroup Extension Minutes:The Chair presented the report advising the proposal was to extend the sub-group until March 2022, so the arrangements for vaccinations particularly relating to vaccine equity and further information on the approach to and understanding of Post-Covid could be assessed by the group. The Sub-group agreed that this would be the right approach and therefore it was
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Group agreed to an extension of the Health and Wellbeing Board Community Subgroup to 1 st March 2022.
Engagement and insight work: Children and Young People - Presentation and discussion Minutes:The Young Inspectors provided a presentation on Merton Covid-19 Young Adults Community Champions, giving evidence of the impact of the pandemic on young people both positive and negative, responses from an under 18’s survey on testing and the views from young people on vaccination. The sub-group thanked the Young Inspectors for their presentation and for their ongoing work and the insight it brought, in addition other practical work undertaken including the under 18 network and creating videos and resources. It was agreed that having a young person’s voice as part of the subgroup is valuable, as is their involvement in plans for co-creating new projects like young people’s social prescribing. Recognising the Young Inspector’s time is limited, the subgroup welcomed a broader dialogue with young people to help inform future planning and commissioning.