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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for Absence were received from Jane McSherry (Director Children Schools and Families), Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (Assistant Director for Education and Early Health attended as substitute, and Sarah Goad (Chief Executive, Age UK Merton), Jen Goddard (Head of Services) attended as substitute and also from Dr Karen Worthington


Declarations of pecuniary interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 133 KB


There were some errors in the attendance schedule for the previous meeting which have been amended since the minutes were published.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2022 were agreed as a correct record, subject to the agreed amendments to the attendance schedule.


Understanding Health Inequalities and prevention

Presentation to be provided at the meeting


The Director of Public Health presented her report to the Committee. This gave an outline of health inequalities across Merton and the importance of action on risk factors and work on prevention to tackle these. She referenced the Marmot principles, and Councils and communities that are using them to steer and chart their progress in tackling health inequalities In response to questions the Director of Public Health highlighted that although her report does not break down the specific manifestations of inequalities, there was clearly an issue of disproportionate impact on some communities.


Committee members noted that there is a need to move into an ‘action mode’, and the Borough of Sport theme will allow access to a range of sports and the Council is actively working to ensure these are accessible to everyone, not just those who are able to pay.


The Director of Public Health also confirmed that the uptake of vaping by young people was an area of concern, there is a meeting in October to look at a concerted approach to vaping among children so that it does not become entangled with vaping as a cessation aid. 




That the committee noted the report.



Combatting Substance Misuse pdf icon PDF 293 KB


The Head of Strategic Commissioning introduced the report to the Committee outlining the current impact of substance misuse across the borough and the work in progress to tackle it. He set out the Government plan (launched December 2021) ‘From harm to hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives’, which aims to break drug supply chains, deliver a ‘world class’ treatment and recovery system and achieve a shift in the demand for drugs and asked members to support the proposal to establish a Combating Substance Misuse Partnership in Merton.


In response to questions he confirmed that data sharing could be between service providers, the Met Police and the Probation Service. The Partnership Board will establish how to share the data and ensure it is done securely and fairly.  The day to day leadership will come from the Safer Stronger Executive Board, but are content to update the HWBB on the progress in the action plan in the first quarter of 2023.


The Combatting Substance Misuse Partnership will be accountable for the three high level strategic priorities - reducing supply, reducing demand and increasing the effectiveness of treatment.  A preventive approach will be part of the process and it will include collaboration with health professionals.




That the Committee agreed:


-       That the Health and Wellbeing Board supported the approach and renewed their commitment to working collaboratively on preventing and tackling drug and alcohol related harm.

-       That the Health and Wellbeing Board considered and agreed governance of the Combatting Substance Misuse Partnership and the proposed ways of working between the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Safer Stronger Executive and Merton Health and Care Together (Partnership and Committee)

-       That the Health and Wellbeing Board member organisation supported the delivery of the actions required, by nominating a senior lead officer to work with Public Health over the coming months.



Children and Young People's Voice

Presentation to be provided at the meeting



The Participation and Engagement Manager, with the Young Inspectors Lola Kareem and Anna Huk, gave a presentation to the Board on engaging with young people. They outlined how they saw children and young people being heard in Merton and presented the key findings on the ‘Being Healthy’ theme from the engagement survey. Explaining what Young Inspectors have learned from their participation work during COVID, they went on to give examples of young people leading on participation-work. The presentation was welcomed by the Board and the ways in which young people can be involved and participate more fully in the HWBB going forward were discussed.





That the Committee noted the report.



NHS and Social Care


Kings Fund report on inequalities

Recommendations and response


Presentation to be provided at the meeting



The Deputy Director of Merton Health and Care Together gave a presentation on the recommendations of the April 2021 ‘Independent Review of Health Inequalities in Merton and Sutton’ conducted by the Kings Fund. She outlined the response to this report, relating it closely to the current Merton Health and Care Plan, and its focus on addressing health inequalities, together with current plans for the Mitcham Health and Wellbeing Hub


In response to questions and comments from the Committee it was explained that implementation of the hospital programme sat with Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust, comments will be fed back to the programme at the Integrated Care Board and that the position of Merton Council is clear to them.  There is also a commitment to ongoing public engagement once the parameters, timeline and funding mechanism for the programme are clear.


The Interim Director of Community and Housing rsuggested a report on Health on the High Street come to the next meeting of the Board to review the ongoing work programme and to seek the Board’s for thoughts on future activity.





That the Committee noted the report.


Model of Primary Care

Overview and update on Rowan's, East Merton Hub, Extended Access


Presentation to be provided at the meeting



The Assistant Head for Primary Care, Merton and Wandsworth ICB gave a presentation the The Future of Primary Care including a summary of The Fuller Stocktake Report- a national review of primary care. She also outlined the reasoning and current plans for the closure of Colliers Wood Surgery and the Rowans Surgery.?


In response to questions, the Locality Executive Director reiterated the commitment to delivering a new health facility as part of the Rowan Park development.  There is a commitment to delivering clinical services across Merton, these are GP led health centres. 


The number of patients requiring re-registering is falling on a week by week basis and latest figures showed around 4,800 remain.




That the Committee commented and noted the contents of the report.



Better Care Fund pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Plan for 2022-23 funding action tackling health inequalities. 

Additional documents:


The Assistant Head of Transformation for Integrated Care, SW London ICB presented the report to the Committee on the Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan for 2022-23. At the request of the Chair, a report was also provided on work that the BCF has funded to tackle health inequalities across the borough, including support for the Community Response Hub, the Living Well Service run by Age UK to improve physical and mental wellbeing, funding to the voluntary sector to support wellbeing reducing isolation, and contributing to social prescribing.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed the Better Care Fund Plan 2022-23 and noted the contents of the Inequalities Report.


The Committee also noted the contribution of Simon Shimmens, Chief Executive Merton Voluntary Service, to the committee and thanked him for his service.