Venue: Merton Civic Centre
Note: View the meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:
Apologies were received from Cllr John Braithwaite, with Cllr Jil Hall as substitute |
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes:Panel Members confirmed that these were a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Budget and Business Planning (round 1) Additional documents:
Minutes:Cllr Billy Christie introduced the MFTS update and first round of saving proposals by advising that savings need to be made to allow Merton to continue to offer suitable services and close the budget gap faced. The 2nd round of budget scrutiny will be held in January 2025. Cllr Billy Christie noted that further savings/revenue generators will need significant and severe choices to be made. Asad Mushtaq added that the report details savings of nearly £6 million with £4.8 million still to find over the next financial year and beyond. The key pressures are in social care and temporary accommodation. These are challenges shared across London. It is unknown what the national budget will mean for Merton until the provisional settlement is received, which usually happens before Christmas. In response to questions: -The freedom pass levy is for concessionary fares on public transport. This has been revised because of the aging population. -Elliot Brunton explained that work is being done to relieve pressure on the temporary accommodation budget. This includes acquiring more local accommodation to try and prevent a reliance on nightly paid accommodation. Merton are also looking at using empty properties that could be used as temporary accommodation and completing preventative action to stop people from becoming homeless. -A report was published last year detailing engagement with residents on the budget and outcomes of that have guided further activity this year. Cllr Billy Christie added that Merton are now engaging with residents to see how they want to direct the Merton legacy fund. -Asad Mushtaq confirmed that Merton are forecast to deliver 97% on last year’s savings and that Merton are achieving targets regarding slowing ehcp’s. -Caseloads for staff members looking at fast track applications for households and lawful development have been manageable. Fast track applications will be completed within 4 weeks for double the fee. Other applications will still be completed within 8 weeks. -The amount of time streetlights will be on for at night will not be impacted by the energy budget. Jefferson Nwokeoma agreed to look at specific cases in regard to the brightness of street lights, but there are currently no plans to change the street lighting scheme. -Merton are working in cooperation with other boroughs on the lane rental scheme. This means the work can’t be expedited but it is being completed as fast as possible. This will not be paid for by drivers. -Asad Mushtaq confirmed that proposals are checked by a dedicated EDI officer and only once approved are they made public.
Minutes:Elliot Brunton will confirm if Clarion have introduced a 7-days a week repairs service.
Playing Pitch Strategy - Presentation Minutes:Cllr Cooper-Marbiah explained that this work is being completed to help Merton understand how we are using facilities and what else is needed. Anthony Hopkins presented the playing pitch strategy and confirmed the final report will be coming to scrutiny in April 2025. Anthony Hopkins also introduced Nick Trim and Caroline McRoyall from continuum who are the appointed contractors. This strategy will refresh the previous playing pitch strategy from 2019 and provide key forward planning by identify what is needed. The strategy will also support health and wellbeing priorities in Merton and improve the role of school sports facilities in providing facilities for community support. Each stage of the strategy is signed off by the steering group and governing bodies, such as sport England. Most site visits across Merton have already been undertaken, whilst consultations have been completed with clubs and national governing bodies. This work has identified that there is a strong club base in Merton, a willingness to get behind the borough of sport ambitions and interest from lots of organisations to develop sport facilities. The challenges revolve around pressures on land, increased demand on facilities and budget for community sites. Cllr Andrew Judge added that the council set money aside in a previous capital budget to take forward proposals to remedy shower and changing facilities at Wimbledon Park athletics track and water sports centre. In response to questions: -A sports hall at Morden leisure centre is one of the major projects being considered as part of the playing pitch strategy. -Investment in changing facilities is also a key factor in the strategy. There has already been capital investment into facilities at King George’s playing fields. The priority sits with sites with the widest impact regarding participation. Cllr Cooper-Marbiah added that the pavilion at canons where the women’s running club was launched has also been renovated.
Performance Monitoring (Including Quarterly Data) Additional documents:
Minutes:The performance monitoring reports were noted |
Tenants Champion Annual Report Minutes:Cllr Andrew Judge explained that there have been 4 tenants champions since the last election. Those with concerns complete forms administered by the housing team before Cllr James Williscroft, who is the current tenants champion, advises and documents the complaint along with the outcome upon closure of the case. Most of the complaints are around disrepair. Elliot Brunton added that a fuller report with case examples can be provided at a later date. In response to questions: -Merton have engaged with Richmond upon Thames who have a similar, but not identical scheme. -Elliot Brunton meets with the tenants champion every 2 weeks. Most cases are managed within this process, but it could be escalated through the councils housing enforcement service if needed. Detailed and specialist advise can also be provided through the law centre. This process is being kept under review. -A majority of the cases have been with private sector landlords.
Minutes:Cllr Eleanor Stringer introduced this item by stating that Merton are working closely with Idverde to manage the contract. The report details good performance rates keeping service standards high. It is hoped an update to ‘fix my street’ will go live in early 2025. This will allow residents to report issues in parks. In response to questions: -Merton are in communication with people on the waiting list for allotments. Non-cultivation inspections and notices have been issued. -There has been communication with the highways and enforcement teams regarding incursions by travellers in greenspaces. -Compliments and complaints received through member enquires and other routes can be included in the report moving forwards. -Cllr Stringer advised that work is being completed with the director and head of service to improve communication so cllr’s are aware of scheduled work in advance. Andrew Kauffman added that recruitment is underway for new a project officer and project engagement officer which will help with this. -Damage to hedges caused by SGN have been reported and replacements will be put in place.
Tree Strategy - Phase 1 Additional documents:
Minutes:Cllr Eleanor Stringer introduced this item by outlining that the report provides an update on the first phase of the tree strategy which covers trees on council property. In response to questions: -An updated plan for the winter/spring replacement tree planting programme, broken down by ward, is being finalised and will be posted online. This will be starting in December. -Work is underway with trees for streets to finalise phase 1 planting of the agreed 80 sponsored locations. 36 have been planted so far. Vacant tree pits are being targeted. Andrew Kauffman can share ward specific information with Cllr’s. Jefferson Nwokeoma noted that there is still a lot of work to do. -All pollard work is now being completed under traffic order conditions.
Walking & Cycling Strategy - Consultation Results Minutes:Cllr Stephen Alambritis introduction the agenda item by thanking all those involved for their work on the scheme so far. Residents, businesses and travel groups were engaged with between the 7th of May and the 18th of June with objective of identifying how people are traveling through Merton, what they would like to improve and the barriers they face. The engagement approach was multi channelled and over 1000 people shared ideas, 469 responded to the survey and over 600 contributed to the interactive map. 58% of residents say they walk through to Merton daily but only 11 % said they cycle through Merton daily. Residents identified that they want better and safer crossings and cycle routes. Road danger and personal safety was identified as a barrier to walking and cycling in Merton. Jefferson Nwokeoma added that Merton will now be extracting information from the engagement and developing a strategy based on the feedback. It was also noted that getting 1000 responses was extremely positive. The committee then heard from public speakers. Jim Wagner - Merton Cycling Campaign: Jim Wagner stated his concern about Merton Cycling Campaign’s lack of involvement in the process as they understand the problems cyclists face and involving them would make it cheaper and quicker to get the strategy right now. Jim Wagner also noted his concern that the project timetable has 4 months between consultation and sign off as he wants Merton to be a borough that delivers rather than delays. Jim Wagner believed that walking and cycling needs to be baked into everything the council does regarding highways and public realm and that Merton needs to things right first time repeatably. Jim Wagner also stated that funding and political will is needed as TFL have made it clear that they will fund boroughs who want to get things done. Jim Wagner asked Merton to commit to the strategy as this will result in Merton improving. Luke McCarthy – Merton Active Travel Luke McCarthy stated that he welcomed the council developing this strategy as previous funding opportunities have been missed due to not having clarity of vision around active transport. For example, cycle lanes were late to be put onto Plough Lane which would have cost more than integrating them from the beginning. Merton Active Travel also welcome the clear mandate that residents want more safer crossings, accessibility and enforced speed limits. However, Merton Active Travel are concerned that they are not involved as much as they would like to be as they have extensive knowledge of the issues faced. Luke McCarthy also noted that the strategy links to Merton sustainable future ambition and that the strategy needs to align with the mayoral strategy to make 80% of journeys made by foot, cycle of public transport by 2041. Cllr Stephen Alambritis confirmed he will meet community groups, TFL as well as cabinet members to discuss concerns. In response to questions: -The bid submitted to TFL for 2.6 million over the next 3 financial years ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Minutes:The work programme was agreed.