Venue: Committee rooms D & E - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Link: View the meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:No apologies were received.
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes:Panel members confirmed that these were a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Budget and Business Plan - Round 1 Additional documents:
Minutes:Cllr Billy Christie, Cabinet Member for Finance, introduced the Budget and Business Plan for 2025/26. The Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Integrated Care and Public Health provided details on the seven draft savings proposals within the department.
Annual Public Health Report Additional documents:Minutes:The Director of Public Health introduced the Panel to the key elements of the 2024/25 Annual Public Health Report, which focuses on Tackling Drugs Together.
In response to questions, the Director of Public Health provided further information as follows:
Defibrillators - London Ambulance Service Presentation Minutes:Sam Wilcox, Community Defibrillation Manager, and Jessica Burgess, Head of Charity, informed Members about the Heart Starter campaign. Our calculations show that Merton Council currently has 4 defibrillators registered on our database. However, to meet the minimum criteria for defibrillators preferred per population size, we recommend a further 5 defibrillators be funded and installed in the following areas - Figges Marsh, Longthornton, Pollards Hill. Councillors can help support the campaign in the following ways:
Adult Safeguarding - Annual Report Additional documents:Minutes:Aileen Buckton, Independent Chair, gave an overview of the key points of the Merton Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) Annual Report 2023/24.
The Merton Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) is an independent board which operates at a strategic level to oversee safeguarding arrangements in Merton and ensure that adults at risk being supported and protected from neglect and abuse.
Our Community Champions network has gone from strength to strength over this last year and we continue to support their development. This group is made up of representatives from local organisations and the wider community. It meets regularly with the aim of raising awareness of safeguarding adults, sharing key messages and insight into key safeguarding issues for communities across Merton
In response to a question from a Panel Member about an internal audit on DBS checks, Aileen Buckton agreed it is important that all those who work in safeguarding have DBS checks and committed to asking for an assurance report in relation to this.
Adult Social Care Self-Assessment Additional documents:
Minutes:The Interim Director of Integrated Care, Commissioning & Assurance, provided an update in relation to Adult Social Care’s preparation for the Care Quality Commission Assurance framework and the associated Self-Assessment Report.
We are currently reviewing and updating our information return, and we will send this over to the CQC by the 2 December 2024. It is likely that the onsite visit will occur approximately 5 to 6 months from the notification date and therefore the visit is potentially due in April or May 2025.
The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care drew Members attention to some of our key strengths highlighted by the Peer Challenge:
In response to questions:
Co-production and focusing on the needs of the person will run through everything we do, as will including the voices of people with lived experience. This point was a consideration in our LGA feedback, and we are including evidence of it going forward.
Minutes:The work programme was agreed with the following addition: Add gynaecology waiting lists