Venue: Committee rooms D & E - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Link: View the meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: |
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes: |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 94 KB Minutes:Panel Members confirmed that these are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Health services for men DOTX 644 KB Minutes:The report was presented by Mike McHugh, Consultant for Public Health, who gave a brief overview of the key men’s health related issues and the strategies and plans for supporting the health of men in Merton.
Overall life expectancy is 78.6 years in males and 83.5 years in females, and healthy life expectancy is 66.6 years in males and 67.1 years in females.
Healthy life expectancy is a measure of mortality and morbidity, it shows the years a person can expect to live in good health rather than with a disability or in poor health.
The gap in life expectancy between the 10% most deprived and the 10% least deprived in Merton, is 7.7 years for males and 5 years for females.
Some of the key issues relating to men’s health are: · Coronary heart disease (CHD) · Diabetes · Hypertension · Prostate Cancer · Dementia
The NHS Health Check (NHSHC) programme offers residents, between 40 and 74, a free heath check-up every five years. The NHSHC programme screens for key conditions including heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke.
There is also the One You Merton health improvement service which is Merton’s resident facing health improvement service and engages with communities across the borough in a number of community settings e.g. community libraries and other community events.
In response to questions, Mike McHugh provided further information as follows:
Young Inspectors offer a young person’s perspective, and their feedback helps us shape our strategies and how we tailor our information to different groups (i.e. use of social media). We also work with colleagues in the Communications Team re, magazines, leaflets, and social media campaigns, as well as events and engagement activities within communities.
A focus on preventative measures such as healthy lifestyles, healthy eating choices and exercise tend to be more targeted at younger residents. There are targeted immunisation campaigns towards any groups with low take up.
The Panel RESOLVED that the results of the national transform trial, that aims to find the best way to screen men for prostate cancer, are reported back to the Panel when available. All votes in favour
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