Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Link: View the meeting live here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies from Councillors Eleanor Cox and Simon McGrath, Councillors Tony Reiss and Michael Paterson attended as a substitutes. Apologies also received from co-opted member Diane Griffin. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 117 KB Minutes:The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved |
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of pecuniary interests |
NHS Breast Screening Programme PDF 382 KB Additional documents:
Minutes:NHSEI Director Breast Screening Recovery and the Divisional Director of Operations gave introduced the report providing overview of the breast screening programme and the impact of the pandemic on services.
This item was exempt on the grounds that there is sensitive data within the report. This is by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Cervical and Bowel Cancer Screening Update PDF 1 MB Minutes:The Deputy Head of Adult & Cancer Screening gave an overview of the report and highlighted that London has historically lower uptake then the rest of the country. NHS England have run two campaigns to try and increase uptake. Panel members asked why uptake in Merton is so low. It was reported that Merton rate is affected by areas of deprivation as uptake is higher within affluent areas. NHS England have begun a new programme of work to address inequalities in vaccine uptake. This began in February and of the programme will be available in due course. results of the programme will be available once it has been embedded.
A panel member asked what programmes have been put in place to help women who are not coming forward for screening. The Deputy Head of Adult & Cancer Screening said they use professionals from that community to talk to people and make use of existing links within the community.
RESOLVED The Chair officers for their report
Merton Health and Care Together PDF 218 KB Additional documents:Minutes:The Executive Locality Director said he will work with colleagues in the NHS to explore the possibility of having a Breast Cancer screening Centre in Merton. Although site doesn’t follow performance as Merton has the best screening rates in South West London even though there isn’t a dedicated site in the borough. Improving breast cancer screening is very much about understanding and tackling health inequalities.
The Deputy Director of Merton Health and Care Together gave an overview of the Health and Care Plan.
A panel member noted that Dementia diagnosis numbers have fallen. It was reported that this is monitored, and they are working with the local dementia hub. A Panel member asked if the priorities had been clearly identified, the Executive Director said there was an engagement event last Autumn and the priorities were agreed.
A Panel member said it was important to include the impact of poor housing. The Executive Director said this will be taken into account when they deliver and develop the Plan.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Plans PDF 243 KB Additional documents:Minutes:The Director of Public Health gave an overview of the report highlighting that it is a statutory duty of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The purpose is that the Partnership has a common understanding of the population health needs.
A panel member said new census data will be available later this year and some wards have changed. The Director of Public Health said partners are updating their data
Obesity statistics need to be updated. Especially after the pandemic and in light of childhood obesity in East of the Borough.
The Director of Public Health said ward boundaries relevant in the east west comparison and trends over time. Update of data is waiting for it to be produced by partners
The Director of Public Health said Panel members can usefully provide any new information about population needs that arises from surgery work. How does scrutiny fit into the work of the JSNA – contact with new information during surgery work, there contact with any information.
RESOLVED The Director of Public Health was thanked for the report
Work Programme Report 2022-2023 PDF 249 KB Minutes:RESOLVED The Panel agreed the draft topics The Panel asked for an update from St Helier to the next meeting in September.