Venue: Merton Civic Centre
Link: View the meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies were received from co-opted members, Oona Stannard and Roz Cordner.
Post publication of the agenda, Cllr Robert Page has replaced Cllr Paul Kohler on the Commission.
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 72 KB Minutes:Panel members confirmed that these were a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Matters arising:
Members requested updates on two previous actions that have not been provided.
Scrutiny to chase.
Questions to the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive- priorities and challenges for the year ahead Minutes:The Leader, Cllr Ross Garrod, highlighted the change of waste services from March 2025, with the launch of a new contracted waste service for bin collections, and bringing street cleansing back in-house.
Priorities for the year ahead include:
In response to questions:
· Kingdom PSPO pilot – Safer Streets Patrol has been running since the end of August. Targeted support in hotspots. There have been 72 engagements and 45 reports on fix my street. Intelligence is passed to the Safer Neighbourhood team, licensing etc. Once we receive analysis of the pilot, the Council can consider options.
The Chief Executive, Hannah Doody, was invited to outline her priorities for the year ahead.
In response to questions, the Chief Executive provided further information as below:
· Social Care recruitment – Struggling to recruit to specialised posts, such as child protection and mental health. · Risks and emergency preparedness plans – We learn from every incident and all detailed investigations by the London Fire Brigade. · The Resilience Group conduct scenario planning around flooding, tube stations etc. We do know that clarity of roles is so important with one service in control (Police, Fire), as is monitoring and constantly adapting. Strategic risks are held in the strategic risk register and departments have the autonomy to hold their own risks.
Additional documents:
Minutes:Asad Mustaq, Executive Director of Finance and Digital, introduced two members of the Change Team, Ruth Knox and Heather Begg.
In response to questions, Change Team members provided further information.
· The data provided is from a survey taken pre-covid. Action: Change Team to return with updated data following results of new staff survey. Scrutiny to add to work programme. · Work is also underway with colleagues to ensure our Administration and Business Support staff are optimally deployed to support cross-council working and equipped to provide a resident-centric service, making full use of technological advances. · Programme boards are held bi-monthly and run by corporate sponsors. They feed into the Oversight Board.
Scrutiny Annual Report - To follow PDF 100 KB Additional documents:Minutes:Commission Members approved the Overview & Scrutiny annual report to be presented to Council on 18 September 2024.
Scrutiny Member Survey PDF 100 KB Additional documents:
Minutes:Members noted that the CfGS review is imminent and will potentially affect the function.
Scrutiny Team noted that some data was hard to read due to colour of graphs. |
Identify questions for the Borough Commander Minutes:Please can any questions be sent to Scrutiny Team by 25 October at the latest.
Minutes:The work programme was agreed.