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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms DE, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX

Contact: Amy Dumitrescu, Democracy Services Manager, Email: 

Link: View the meeting live here

No. Item


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence. Councillors Alambritis and Judge attended remotely.





Declarations of pecuniary interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 101 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2023 are agreed as an accurate record.


Integrated Sexual Health (ISH) services procurement pdf icon PDF 183 KB




That Cabinet:


A. Approved procurement approach (option 3) to procure Integrated Sexual Health (ISH) services jointly with Wandsworth and Richmond council following a competitive tender approach, with Wandsworth as lead commissioner. All Merton governance processes will still be adhered to. The Council through the Director of Public Health has a statutory responsibility to commission and provide open access sexual and reproductive health services.

B. Approved the 3-year contract term plus the option to extend for a further period of up to 2 + 2 years for the new ISH service (potential total contract length of 7 years) C. Approved procurement timeline to award contract by March 2024 and initiate 6- month mobilisations period for a new contract to start 1st October 2024

D. Approved indicative financial envelope for the contract which will be finalised once a successful provider has been awarded the contract (indicative budget rather than a maximum ceiling budget has been set to encourage the market).

E. Approved that authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care, (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health to approve award of the contract to the successful provider following procurement. This will allow alignment of procurement timelines with Wandsworth and Richmond councils.

F. Approved authority to take up the optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Chief Officer and Executive Director of Adult Social Care (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health in consultation with the Lead Member


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report, providing an overview of the recommendations and noting that the process was being run in collaboration with colleagues from Wandsworth and Richmond.




That Cabinet:


A. Approved procurement approach (option 3) to procure Integrated Sexual Health (ISH) services jointly with Wandsworth and Richmond council following a competitive tender approach, with Wandsworth as lead commissioner. All Merton governance processes will still be adhered to. The Council through the Director of Public Health has a statutory responsibility to commission and provide open access sexual and reproductive health services.

B. Approved the 3-year contract term plus the option to extend for a further period of up to 2 + 2 years for the new ISH service (potential total contract length of 7 years) C. Approved procurement timeline to award contract by March 2024 and initiate 6- month mobilisations period for a new contract to start 1st October 2024

D. Approved indicative financial envelope for the contract which will be finalised once a successful provider has been awarded the contract (indicative budget rather than a maximum ceiling budget has been set to encourage the market).

E. Approved that authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care, (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health to approve award of the contract to the successful provider following procurement. This will allow alignment of procurement timelines with Wandsworth and Richmond councils.

F. Approved authority to take up the optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Chief Officer and Executive Director of Adult Social Care (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health in consultation with the Lead Member


Revenues and Benefits System Contract pdf icon PDF 157 KB




A. That Cabinet awarded a contract for the provision of Revenues and Benefits System to Civica UK Ltd

B. That Cabinet approved a 7 year +2 contract with the existing supplier, Civica Uk Ltd, to facilitate moving to a Cloud based solution.

C. That the authority to take up the optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Chief Officer and Executive Director Finance and Digital


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report, which recommended procurement of a cloud version of the service which would be more secure and resilient in the face of cyber threats. It was noted this was a 7 year contract with a two year extension.




A. That Cabinet awarded a contract for the provision of Revenues and Benefits System to Civica UK Ltd

B. That Cabinet approved a 7 year +2 contract with the existing supplier, Civica Uk Ltd, to facilitate moving to a Cloud based solution.

C. That the authority to take up the optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Chief Officer and Executive Director Finance and Digital


Financial Approvals - October pdf icon PDF 159 KB





A.     That Cabinet approved the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the 3Tables within the report (found here: Financial approval recommendations - Oct 2023 Cabinet.pdf (


B.     That Cabinet noted the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the Table within the report (found here: Financial approval recommendations - Oct 2023 Cabinet.pdf (





The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report outlining adjustments to the capital programme for the month as set out within the table in the report.




A.     That Cabinet approved the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the 3Tables within the report (found here: Financial approval recommendations - Oct 2023 Cabinet.pdf (


B.     That Cabinet noted the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the Table within the report (found here: Financial approval recommendations - Oct 2023 Cabinet.pdf (





Exclusion of the public

To RESOLVE that the public are excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following report(s) on the grounds that it is (they are) exempt from disclosure for the reasons stated in the report(s).


The meeting proceeded entirely in public and therefore this item was not required.