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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms DE, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX

Link: View the meeting live here

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Christie.





Declarations of pecuniary interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meetings pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings held on 17 July 2023 and 10 August 2023 are agreed as an accurate record.


Reference from the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel – Community Toilets pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet noted the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel reference set out in paragraphs 2.7 to 2.23 of the report.


At the invitation of the Chair, Councillor Mercer addressed the meeting and provided an overview of the recommendations within the report. Councillor Mercer spoke on the difficulties for those who need to access public toilets, the importance of maintenance of them and the benefits of a Community Toilet Scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Civic Pride responded, thanking those who had been involved for their interest in the issue. The Cabinet Member had met with Councillor Mercer and it was clear this was a national issue. The Cabinet Member thanked Councillor Mercer for his work on the report and the recommendations within it, noting that some had financial and resource implications and that the Council had been considering how it played its role in facilitating access to toilets. The Cabinet Member noted that when major developments were being undertaken it should be ensured that toilets were as accessible as possible, noting that she had met recently in relation to the Centre Court shopping centre redevelopment and requested that changing places toilets be installed there. The Cabinet Member advised that the recommendations had been noted.  




That Cabinet noted the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel reference set out in paragraphs 2.7 to 2.23 of the report.


Parking IT Systems – Civil Enforcement and Parking Permit Management pdf icon PDF 182 KB




A. That Cabinet delegated authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Civic Pride & Climate, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, for the award of the Parking IT Systems - Civil Enforcement and Parking Permit Management, to maximise contract mobilisation time.


The Cabinet Member for Transport presented the report noting that the current contract for two independent systems was terminating in July 2024 having been extended to the maximum period permitted. The report detailed the aim to move to one sole provider for a single web-based system.




A. That Cabinet delegated authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Civic Pride & Climate, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, for the award of the Parking IT Systems - Civil Enforcement and Parking Permit Management, to maximise contract mobilisation time.


Carers Services pdf icon PDF 169 KB




A. That Cabinet approved the procurement approach for the provision of Carers Services for adult carers of adults. The contract term is for 5 years (April 2024 to March 2029) with an estimated contract value of £1,700,000. B. That Cabinet approves the procurement approach for the provision of assessment and support packages to meet the specific needs of young carers aged 5 to 18 and their families in Merton on a term of 5 years, (April 2024 up to March 2029), with an estimated total contract value of £375,000. C. That Cabinet approves that authority for the award of contracts and any consequent extension provision be delegated to the Executive Directors of Adult Social Care, Integrated Health and Public Health and Children’s, Lifelong Learning and Families (CLLF) through the Departmental Procurement Groups.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report, outlining the cross-departmental procurement process and providing an overview of the recommendations.

In response to questions from the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member advised that there were currently 5500 people providing care in Merton and the Cabinet Member spoke to thank all those who were doing so.

The Leader of the Council echoed the thanks of the Cabinet Member to carers in Merton.




A. That Cabinet approved the procurement approach for the provision of Carers Services for adult carers of adults. The contract term is for 5 years (April 2024 to March 2029) with an estimated contract value of £1,700,000. B. That Cabinet approves the procurement approach for the provision of assessment and support packages to meet the specific needs of young carers aged 5 to 18 and their families in Merton on a term of 5 years, (April 2024 up to March 2029), with an estimated total contract value of £375,000. C. That Cabinet approves that authority for the award of contracts and any consequent extension provision be delegated to the Executive Directors of Adult Social Care, Integrated Health and Public Health and Children’s, Lifelong Learning and Families (CLLF) through the Departmental Procurement Groups.


Financial Approvals - September pdf icon PDF 132 KB



A.   That Cabinet approved the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the Table below:












Finance & Digital






Clarion CPO





Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend £5.8m to 27-28

Children, Lifelong Learning & Families






West Wimbledon- Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Dundonald - Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Pelham - Capital Maintenance





Virement to the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Liberty - Immersive Learning Centre





Scheme complete Budget Release back to NCIL

Lonesome - Capital Maintenance





Virement to the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

William Morris - Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Unallocated Primary School - Capital Maintenance





Net Budget Adjustments after Virements

Perseid Lower - Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Environment, Civic Pride & Climate






On Street Parking - P&D - ANPR Cameras





Reprofiled in accordance with projected spend

Highways & Footways - Pollards Hill Cy & Active Travel





This was programmed for Q4 23/24. Walking and Cycling Strategy will complete in Jan: Capital projects to follow on afterwards but expected to be in 2024/25

Parks Investment - Martin Way - Greener, Brighter & Revitalised





£60k vired from Civic Pride to top up NCIL budget of £23,840

Parks Investment – Abbey Rec





NCIL Budget Transferred to Revenue

Housing & Sustainable Development





Mitcham Area Regeneration - Pollards Hill Bus Shelter





Civic Pride Reserves (revenue) allocated to create staff resource to run the project. Capital spend will be later once project has re-established. Re-profile capital (CIL) spend to 2024/25 onwards

Morden Area Regeneration - Crown Creative Knowledge Exchange





Vired for shop front element of scheme

Borough Regeneration - Shop Front Improvements





Budget reprofiled and vired to Morden Lnowledge Exch.









B.    That the School Capital Maintenance Budget is treated as one budget for financial management, reducing substantially the level of formal approval required for budget virement sign off to provide valuable historic information whilst allowing for effective budget management. This item will also be reported to Council


C.    That Cabinet approved transfers from CLLF reserves:


£240,000 to Early Years - ringfenced funding for transforming families’ programme.


£247,861 to Early Years - ringfenced funding for transformation hubs.

D.        That Cabinet approved the transfer of £162,796.37 of the ‘Your Merton’ balance currently held in the ‘Civic Pride’ reserve fund, to be spent by Environment, Civic Pride and Climate department in 2023/24.



The Executive Director for Finance and Digital presented the report noting this had previously been included within the financial monitoring Cabinet reports, however as these were now taken to Cabinet quarterly, this report prevented any delay in the necessary approvals being considered. It was noted that the next financial monitoring report was due to Cabinet in November 2023.



A.   That Cabinet approved the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the Table below:












Finance & Digital






Clarion CPO





Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend £5.8m to 27-28

Children, Lifelong Learning & Families






West Wimbledon- Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Dundonald - Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Pelham - Capital Maintenance





Virement to the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Liberty - Immersive Learning Centre





Scheme complete Budget Release back to NCIL

Lonesome - Capital Maintenance





Virement to the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

William Morris - Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Unallocated Primary School - Capital Maintenance





Net Budget Adjustments after Virements

Perseid Lower - Capital Maintenance





Virement from the Unallocated Maintenance Budget

Environment, Civic Pride & Climate






On Street Parking - P&D - ANPR Cameras





Reprofiled in accordance with projected spend

Highways & Footways - Pollards Hill Cy & Active Travel





This was programmed for Q4 23/24. Walking and Cycling Strategy will complete in Jan: Capital projects to follow on afterwards but expected to be in 2024/25

Parks Investment - Martin Way - Greener, Brighter & Revitalised





£60k vired from Civic Pride to top up NCIL budget of £23,840

Parks Investment – Abbey Rec





NCIL Budget Transferred to Revenue

Housing & Sustainable Development





Mitcham Area Regeneration - Pollards Hill Bus Shelter





Civic Pride Reserves (revenue) allocated to create staff resource to run the project. Capital spend will be later once project has re-established. Re-profile capital (CIL) spend to 2024/25 onwards

Morden Area Regeneration - Crown Creative Knowledge Exchange





Vired for shop front element of scheme

Borough Regeneration - Shop Front Improvements





Budget reprofiled and vired to Morden Lnowledge Exch.









B.    That the School Capital Maintenance Budget is treated as one budget for financial management, reducing substantially the level of formal approval required for budget virement sign off to provide valuable historic information whilst allowing for effective budget management. This item will also be reported to Council


C.    That Cabinet approved transfers from CLLF reserves:


£240,000 to Early Years - ringfenced funding for transforming families’ programme.


£247,861 to Early Years - ringfenced funding for transformation hubs.

D.        That Cabinet approved the transfer of £162,796.37 of the ‘Your Merton’ balance currently held in the ‘Civic Pride’ reserve fund, to be spent by Environment, Civic Pride and Climate department in 2023/24.