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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX

Contact: Email: 

Link: View the meeting live here

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Tobin Byers and Councillor Rebecca Lanning.


Councillors Agatha Akyigyina, Caroline Cooper-Marbiah, Natasha Irons and Eleanor Stringer attended the meeting remotely.




Declarations of pecuniary interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 65 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 22 June were agreed and signed as an accurate record.


Exclusion of the public

To RESOLVE that the public are excluded from the meeting during consideration of Item 5 on the grounds that it is exempt from disclosure for the reasons stated in the report.


The Cabinet agreed not to refer to the exempt information contained in item 5 during consideration of the item and therefore the meeting remained in public.


Merton schools PFI contract



That recommendations A-C as set out in the exempt report were approved.


The Joint Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Education thanked officers involved in the report and outlined the report which proposed a settlement and number of changes to the current contract including a change to the facilities management services to give schools more control in the future.  



That recommendations A-C as set out in the exempt report were approved.


Reference from the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel on Clarion Housing Repairs and Maintenance pdf icon PDF 69 KB



1.    That Cabinet noted and approved the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel reference set out in paragraphs 2.5 to 2.8 below subject to there being no additional resources required from the Council.


2.5. The Panel RESOLVED (eight votes for, none against) to send the following recommendations to Cabinet;

2.6. The Panel proposes that Merton's Housing Team lead on hosting a one-stop shop on Merton’s council’s website, in partnership with Clarion and with the support of the Council’s Communications Team. The purpose of this page is to (a) Inform residents of their rights, responsibilities and signpost into the current repairs process. This may also include letters and replies sent by the Cabinet member; (b) provide single source of information on issues already identified through the publication and regular updating of KPIs for housing repair on Clarion’s estates; (C) List as set out in precedent in the papers for Sustainable Communities paper of 24th June the current open repair cases for Clarion estate. New repairs should be included when they arise. Where Page 15 Agenda Item 6possible common issues should be highlighted. The goal of these measures is to restore resident and partner confidence in Clarion’s management of their stock. The page should be implemented as a matter of urgency and remain until the Cabinet Member is satisfied confidence has been restored.

2.7. The Panel further request that Cabinet write to Clarion asking for detailed information on the conformity with the decent home standard of stock across the borough. The response to this request be shared with the Sustainable Communities panel.

2.8. Additionally, the Panel RESOLVED to revisit this item at the next Sustainable Communities meeting 2 September 2021.


The Chair of the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel presented the report which set out recommendations relating to housing repairs and maintenance on Clarion estates.


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency thanked the Scrutiny Panel and its’ chair for their discussions. Regular meetings had taken place between the Cabinet Member and Clarion and these would continue and it was noted that a further paper would come to Scrutiny, Cabinet and Full Council in September 2021.


In response to a Cabinet Member question, the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency advised that the recommendations could be met from within existing internal resources. Cabinet agreed that the recommendations could be approved provided that this was the case. It was therefore:



1.    That Cabinet noted and approved the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel reference set out in paragraphs 2.5 to 2.8 below subject to there being no additional resources required from the Council.


2.5. The Panel RESOLVED (eight votes for, none against) to send the following recommendations to Cabinet;

2.6. The Panel proposes that Merton's Housing Team lead on hosting a one-stop shop on Merton’s council’s website, in partnership with Clarion and with the support of the Council’s Communications Team. The purpose of this page is to (a) Inform residents of their rights, responsibilities and signpost into the current repairs process. This may also include letters and replies sent by the Cabinet member; (b) provide single source of information on issues already identified through the publication and regular updating of KPIs for housing repair on Clarion’s estates; (C) List as set out in precedent in the papers for Sustainable Communities paper of 24th June the current open repair cases for Clarion estate. New repairs should be included when they arise. Where Page 15 Agenda Item 6possible common issues should be highlighted. The goal of these measures is to restore resident and partner confidence in Clarion’s management of their stock. The page should be implemented as a matter of urgency and remain until the Cabinet Member is satisfied confidence has been restored.

2.7. The Panel further request that Cabinet write to Clarion asking for detailed information on the conformity with the decent home standard of stock across the borough. The response to this request be shared with the Sustainable Communities panel.

2.8. Additionally, the Panel RESOLVED to revisit this item at the next Sustainable Communities meeting 2 September 2021.


Parking Infrastructure and modernisation. pdf icon PDF 667 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


1.1. Approved Option 1 as set out in section 5. To replace 78 existing high usage pay and display machines with new Payment Terminals commencing in October 2021. 1.2. Agreed to remove the remaining 334 low usage, cash (coin) only pay and display machines, and to remove a further 22 machines where an alternative upgraded payment terminal will be available and offer pay by RingGo or cash at local retail outlets.

1.3. Agreed to the introduction of the use of PayPoint at retail outlets throughout the Borough to allow for cash payments to be taken for pay to park at all on street parking locations. The current network of PayPoint retailers is set out in appendix 1C attached.

1.4. Approved the installation of:-

1.5. 28 new on street payment terminals with coin, card and contactless payment facilities , 33 new on street payment terminals with card (chip) and contactless payment facilities only as they are considered medium usage machines.

1.6. All 14 of the councils car parks will have at least one machine that accepts coins, contactless, and card (chip) payment facilities. These machines will also be able to produce a VAT receipt for customers on request. 3 car parks will have an additional machine with contactless and chip facilities due to high usage.

1.7. It is recommended that the cash facilities at new payment terminals in the Borough remain under review. The ability to remove the payment terminal cash boxes in Page 17 Agenda Item 72 the future will be determined by means of reviewing usage figures and customer payment patterns as demand for cash payments changes over the coming years.

1.8. Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Regeneration, Housing and the Climate Emergency and Adult Social Care and Public Health, to finalise any operational matters in relation to the implementation of the proposals.


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency presented the report and outlined the recommendations to replacement and introduction of a number of pay and display machines across the Borough with implementation from October 2021.


In response to a Cabinet Member question, the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency reassured members that cash payments would still be accepted in the list of retailers detailed within Appendix 1C of the report.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


1.1. Approved Option 1 as set out in section 5. To replace 78 existing high usage pay and display machines with new Payment Terminals commencing in October 2021. 1.2. Agreed to remove the remaining 334 low usage, cash (coin) only pay and display machines, and to remove a further 22 machines where an alternative upgraded payment terminal will be available and offer pay by RingGo or cash at local retail outlets.

1.3. Agreed to the introduction of the use of PayPoint at retail outlets throughout the Borough to allow for cash payments to be taken for pay to park at all on street parking locations. The current network of PayPoint retailers is set out in appendix 1C attached.

1.4. Approved the installation of:-

1.5. 28 new on street payment terminals with coin, card and contactless payment facilities , 33 new on street payment terminals with card (chip) and contactless payment facilities only as they are considered medium usage machines.

1.6. All 14 of the councils car parks will have at least one machine that accepts coins, contactless, and card (chip) payment facilities. These machines will also be able to produce a VAT receipt for customers on request. 3 car parks will have an additional machine with contactless and chip facilities due to high usage.

1.7. It is recommended that the cash facilities at new payment terminals in the Borough remain under review. The ability to remove the payment terminal cash boxes in Page 17 Agenda Item 72 the future will be determined by means of reviewing usage figures and customer payment patterns as demand for cash payments changes over the coming years.

1.8. Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Regeneration, Housing and the Climate Emergency and Adult Social Care and Public Health, to finalise any operational matters in relation to the implementation of the proposals.


Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:



1. That Cabinet reviewed and agreed the Additional Restrictions Grant Policy for Phase three

2. That Cabinet agreed that stream three of Phase three is delegated to the Cabinet Members for Finance, Performance, Recovery and the Local Economy and the Director of Corporate Services to determine the distribution to businesses


The Joint Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Performance, Recovery and the Local Economy thanked Councillor Byers and officers for their work on the report and presented the report and its’ recommendations, outlining that £4.8million of grants had been allocated and that Phase 3 funding would shortly be available and allocated.


In response to a Cabinet Member question, the Joint Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member advised that feedback had been received and been included within the report.



1. That Cabinet reviewed and agreed the Additional Restrictions Grant Policy for Phase three

2. That Cabinet agreed that stream three of Phase three is delegated to the Cabinet Members for Finance, Performance, Recovery and the Local Economy and the Director of Corporate Services to determine the distribution to businesses


Public consultation on Merton's draft Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:




A. That Cabinet approved six weeks of public consultation on Merton’s draft housing delivery strategy


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency presented the report which requested approval for six weeks of Borough-wide public consultation on the strategy.


The Chair thanked officers and the Cabinet Member for their work on the report and on housing, including during the Covid-19 lockdown periods.




A. That Cabinet approved six weeks of public consultation on Merton’s draft housing delivery strategy


Strategic Partner Programme – Future Approach pdf icon PDF 228 KB


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


(1) Agreed to the extension of funding for one further year (April 2022-March 2023) for each of the five elements of the Strategic Partner Programme 2019-22 as set out in Appendix I and summarised in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.5 to support the full development and implementation of the current work streams outlined in this report. (2) Noted the progress of key strands of the Recovery and Modernisation Programme as set out in paragraphs 2.3 to 2.8.

(3) Noted the further review of C&H prevention activities as set out in paragraphs 2.9 to 2.11.


The Cabinet Member for Women and Equalities presented the report noting this was the third year that funding had been increased.


The Leader requested that the Cabinet Member pass on thanks to the officers involved.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


(1) Agreed to the extension of funding for one further year (April 2022-March 2023) for each of the five elements of the Strategic Partner Programme 2019-22 as set out in Appendix I and summarised in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.5 to support the full development and implementation of the current work streams outlined in this report. (2) Noted the progress of key strands of the Recovery and Modernisation Programme as set out in paragraphs 2.3 to 2.8.

(3) Noted the further review of C&H prevention activities as set out in paragraphs 2.9 to 2.11.


Treasury Management Annual Review Report pdf icon PDF 738 KB




A. That Cabinet noted the report which provided Members with an update on the Council’s Treasury management activity during 2020-21 and detailed any areas of difference from the Treasury management strategy approved in March 2020


The Leader of the Council presented the report on how the treasury funds kept by the Council were managed.


The Chief Executive highlighted the work the financial services had undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure income generated from investments continued to be safe.




A. That Cabinet noted the report which provided Members with an update on the Council’s Treasury management activity during 2020-21 and detailed any areas of difference from the Treasury management strategy approved in March 2020


Financial Monitoring Report - Period 2 May 2021 pdf icon PDF 752 KB




A. That Cabinet noted the financial reporting data for month 2, May 2021, relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net adverse variance at yearend on net service expenditure of £3.39m, reducing to £1.1m when corporate and funding items are included.

B. That Cabinet approved a virement to transfer £46,820 budget from Corporate Services to C&H to reflect a change in structure for one post previously within the Client Financial Affairs team That Cabinet note the contents of Section 5 of the report and approve the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the Table below:



Budget 2021-22

Budget 2022-23

Budget 2023-24

Budget 2024-25








Corporate Services






Customer Contact





Reprofiled in line with projected spend

Payroll System





Drawdown from a Corporate Reserve

Acquisitions Budget





Property Purchase

Community and Housing

West Barnes Library Re-Fit





Re-profiled Budget

Children, Schools and Families

Harris Morden - Morden Multi Sport Community Pitch





Virement to fund revised scheme

Environment and Regeneration

Morden Rec Hockey Pitch





Virement to fund revised scheme

Pay and Display Machines- Emissions Based Charging





Virement to fund Emission Based Charging Scheme

Car Park Upgrades





Virement to fund Emission Based Charging Scheme

Morden Park Cycle Path





Additional TfL Funding

Accesibility Programme





Additional TfL Funding

Traffic Schemes





Additional TfL Funding

Cycle Improve Residential Stre





S106 £20,550

Unallocated TFL





Virement from Unallocated TfL Budge









The Leader of the Council presented the report and thanked all staff involved, noting there was a modest favourable variance at the time of the report.


The Chief Executive noted that the Council was continuing to respond to the pandemic and that those related financial pressures would continue.




A. That Cabinet noted the financial reporting data for month 2, May 2021, relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net adverse variance at yearend on net service expenditure of £3.39m, reducing to £1.1m when corporate and funding items are included.

B. That Cabinet approved a virement to transfer £46,820 budget from Corporate Services to C&H to reflect a change in structure for one post previously within the Client Financial Affairs team That Cabinet note the contents of Section 5 of the report and approve the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the Table below:



Budget 2021-22

Budget 2022-23

Budget 2023-24

Budget 2024-25








Corporate Services






Customer Contact





Reprofiled in line with projected spend

Payroll System





Drawdown from a Corporate Reserve

Acquisitions Budget





Property Purchase

Community and Housing

West Barnes Library Re-Fit





Re-profiled Budget

Children, Schools and Families

Harris Morden - Morden Multi Sport Community Pitch





Virement to fund revised scheme

Environment and Regeneration

Morden Rec Hockey Pitch





Virement to fund revised scheme

Pay and Display Machines- Emissions Based Charging





Virement to fund Emission Based Charging Scheme

Car Park Upgrades





Virement to fund Emission Based Charging Scheme

Morden Park Cycle Path





Additional TfL Funding

Accesibility Programme





Additional TfL Funding

Traffic Schemes





Additional TfL Funding

Cycle Improve Residential Stre





S106 £20,550

Unallocated TFL





Virement from Unallocated TfL Budge









Financial Review - Outturn 20/21 pdf icon PDF 1 MB




A. That Cabinet noted the revenue outturn for 2020/21

B. That Cabinet noted additional training for budget managers will be carried out, targeting areas with substantial differences between forecast variances at period 10 and final outturn.

C. That Cabinet considered the outturn position on Capital and approved the Slippage into 2021/22 and other adjustments detailed in Appendix 2C, 2C1 and Section 7 of the report


The Leader of the Council presented the report, thanking all involved with the management of the Council finances, noting the favourable outturn position.


The Chief Executive outlined the impact on a number of Council departments.


The Joint Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Performance, Recovery and the Local Economy spoke, noting that the Council was not yet out of the response phase to the pandemic.




A. That Cabinet noted the revenue outturn for 2020/21

B. That Cabinet noted additional training for budget managers will be carried out, targeting areas with substantial differences between forecast variances at period 10 and final outturn.

C. That Cabinet considered the outturn position on Capital and approved the Slippage into 2021/22 and other adjustments detailed in Appendix 2C, 2C1 and Section 7 of the report


CHAS 2013 LTD pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:




A. That Cabinet appointed the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services and the Managing Director of the South London Legal Partnership (the Shareholder Panel) to act as the Council’s Shareholder Representatives for the purposes of taking decisions on the matters reserved for the Council as the sole shareholder in CHAS 2013 Limited (“the Company”), except for the matters listed in paragraph 2.12 of this report which shall be reserved for decision by the Cabinet;

B. That Cabinet approved the revised articles of association and shareholder agreement attached as appendix A and B respectively, subject to any changes which the Shareholder Panel consider reasonably necessary in order to protect the Council’s interests;

C. That Cabinet approved the proposed new company structure set out in paragraph 2.2 and that to delegate authority to the Shareholder Panel to agree the articles of association and any shareholder agreement relating to that new structure and to make any necessary applications in order to effect those changes;

D. That Cabinet authorised the Shareholder Panel to agree the proposal for the Company to acquire Company X at such at a price and on such terms as in their view, having taken such advice as may be appropriate, represents a fair and proper commercial consideration;

E. That Cabinet noted that decisions by the Shareholder Panel will, where appropriate, be taken in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance.


The Leader of the Council presented the report which recommended a number of technical changes to the management and structure of CHAS,


The Leader thanked all involved and it was




A. That Cabinet appointed the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services and the Managing Director of the South London Legal Partnership (the Shareholder Panel) to act as the Council’s Shareholder Representatives for the purposes of taking decisions on the matters reserved for the Council as the sole shareholder in CHAS 2013 Limited (“the Company”), except for the matters listed in paragraph 2.12 of this report which shall be reserved for decision by the Cabinet;

B. That Cabinet approved the revised articles of association and shareholder agreement attached as appendix A and B respectively, subject to any changes which the Shareholder Panel consider reasonably necessary in order to protect the Council’s interests;

C. That Cabinet approved the proposed new company structure set out in paragraph 2.2 and that to delegate authority to the Shareholder Panel to agree the articles of association and any shareholder agreement relating to that new structure and to make any necessary applications in order to effect those changes;

D. That Cabinet authorised the Shareholder Panel to agree the proposal for the Company to acquire Company X at such at a price and on such terms as in their view, having taken such advice as may be appropriate, represents a fair and proper commercial consideration;

E. That Cabinet noted that decisions by the Shareholder Panel will, where appropriate, be taken in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance.