Venue: Committee rooms C, D & E - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 53 KB Minutes:RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2016 are agreed as an accurate record. |
Health in All Policies PDF 73 KB Decision:RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Notes the LGA Health in All Policies peer assessment
work to date. 2. Agrees to receive the final report and action plan for Health in All Policies and support its implementation.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health introduced this item, and introduced one of the two LGA peers for Health in All Policies programme, Councillor Rory Palmer, from Leicester City Council.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Palmer gave a short introduction to the programme, and Cabinet Members made comment and asked questions.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Notes the LGA Health in All Policies peer assessment
work to date. 2. Agrees to receive the final report and action plan for Health in All Policies and support its implementation.
Preventing Diabetes in the South Asian Community Task Group Report PDF 66 KB Additional documents:Decision:RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
A. Considers the report and recommendations (attached in Appendix 1) arising from the scrutiny review of Preventing Diabetes in the South Asian Community B. Agrees to the implementation of the recommendations through an action plan being drawn up by officers working with relevant local partner organisations and Councillor Tobin Byers, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health. C. Agrees that the action plan should be submitted directly to Healthier Communities and Older People Overview and Scrutiny Panel, with no prior approval from Cabinet.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care introduced this report regarding the scrutiny review report on preventing diabetes in the South Asian Community. At the invitation of the Chair, Councillor Brian Lewis-Lavender, who chaired the task group, addressed the Cabinet
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
A. Considers the report and recommendations (attached in Appendix 1) arising from the scrutiny review of Preventing Diabetes in the South Asian Community B. Agrees to the implementation of the recommendations through an action plan being drawn up by officers working with relevant local partner organisations and Councillor Tobin Byers, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health. C. Agrees that the action plan should be submitted directly to Healthier Communities and Older People Overview and Scrutiny Panel, with no prior approval from Cabinet.
Scrutiny review of shared and outsourced services PDF 53 KB Additional documents:Decision:RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Considers the report and recommendations (attached
in Appendix 1) arising from the scrutiny review of shared and
outsourced services undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny
Agrees to the implementation of the recommendations
through an action plan being drawn up by officers in consultation
with Councillor Mark Allison, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for
Finance. 3. Agrees that the action plan should be submitted directly to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission, with no prior approval by Cabinet.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the scrutiny task group report on shared and outsourced services. At the invitation of the Chair, Councillor Peter Southgate, who chaired the task group, addressed the Cabinet.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Considers the report and recommendations (attached
in Appendix 1) arising from the scrutiny review of shared and
outsourced services undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny
Agrees to the implementation of the recommendations
through an action plan being drawn up by officers in consultation
with Councillor Mark Allison, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for
Finance. 3. Agrees that the action plan should be submitted directly to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission, with no prior approval by Cabinet.
Additional documents:Decision:RESOLVED That Cabinet:
1. Agrees the introduction of a levy charge for all diesel vehicles that have a Resident, Business or Trade parking permit with the introduction phased over a period of 3 year period based on the following option: a) £150 surcharge with a phased introduction in 2017/18/19/20 as follows; £90 in 2017/18, £115 in 2018/19 and £150 in 2019/20.
Agrees to set the parking permit charge for electric
vehicles at a discounted rate of £25 per annum. 3. Agrees that the Council reviews the impact of the diesel surcharge for a period of 2 years, with a view to the introduction of comprehensive emissions based parking scheme.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Street Cleanliness and Parking introduced this item, noting that addressing air pollution is a priority both for central government and the Mayor of London. He also advised that the item has been considered by the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel, who gave a steer on which option to take when introducing the levy.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
1. Agrees the introduction of a levy charge for all diesel vehicles that have a Resident, Business or Trade parking permit with the introduction phased over a period of 3 year period based on the following option: · £150 surcharge with a phased introduction in 2017/18/19/20 as follows; £90 in 2017/18, £115 in 2018/19 and £150 in 2019/20.
Agrees to set the parking permit charge for electric
vehicles at a discounted rate of £25 per annum. 3. Agrees that the Council reviews the impact of the diesel surcharge for a period of 2 years, with a view to the introduction of comprehensive emissions based parking scheme.
Estates Local Plan - Submission to Secretary of State PDF 241 KB Additional documents:
Decision:RESOLVED That Cabinet recommend that Council agree:
A. To publish the Estates Local Plan and associated sustainability appraisal for comments followed by submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
B. To delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Housing to approve any amendments to the Estates Local Plan and sustainability appraisal that may arise from 24 November 2016 until the receipt of the Planning Inspector’s final report, to approve consultation documents or officer’s responses to comments received at the pre-submission consultation and during the examination process.
C. To note the continued progress in the delivery of the borough’s regeneration by this decision which moves forward the renewal of three of the borough’s estates as a comprehensive programme to build new homes and enhance the housing available to residents
D. To note the progress of financial negotiations regarding the Stock Transfer Agreement and associated documents with Circle Merton Priory Homes or any successor organisation
E. To delegate variations to the Stock Transfer Agreement to the Directors of Environment & Regeneration, Community & Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member, and
F. To note that there will be a further report to councillors in March 2017 confirming the anticipated viability of the overall project prior to the final submission to the Secretary of State.
G. As resolved by the Borough Plan Advisory Committee, that the council has had regard to the Self Build Register when developing the Estates Local Plan and that the council should not allocate specific sites for self build and custom housebuilding in the Estates Local Plan in order to prioritise rehousing residents who are already living on the three estates in new homes built to modern standards and to progress a viable regeneration project.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Environment, Regeneration and Housing introduced the report, and gave details of the timetable for the approval of the Plan. He formally noted thanks to all officers from LB Merton and from Circle Merton Priory Homes for their hard work on the Estates Plan.
The Cabinet Member for Environment, Regeneration and Housing acknowledged comments made from Cabinet Members regarding the need to address tenants’ concerns about the repairs and maintenance service, and the lack of affordable housing in the borough and in London.
RESOLVED That Cabinet recommend that Council agree:
A. To publish the Estates Local Plan and associated sustainability appraisal for comments followed by submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
B. To delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Housing to approve any amendments to the Estates Local Plan and sustainability appraisal that may arise from 24 November 2016 until the receipt of the Planning Inspector’s final report, to approve consultation documents or officer’s responses to comments received at the pre-submission consultation and during the examination process.
C. To note the continued progress in the delivery of the borough’s regeneration by this decision which moves forward the renewal of three of the borough’s estates as a comprehensive programme to build new homes and enhance the housing available to residents
D. To note the progress of financial negotiations regarding the Stock Transfer Agreement and associated documents with Circle Merton Priory Homes or any successor organisation
E. To delegate variations to the Stock Transfer Agreement to the Directors of Environment & Regeneration, Community & Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member, and
F. To note that there will be a further report to councillors in March 2017 confirming the anticipated viability of the overall project prior to the final submission to the Secretary of State.
G. As resolved by the Borough Plan Advisory Committee, that the council has had regard to the Self Build Register when developing the Estates Local Plan and that the council should not allocate specific sites for self build and custom housebuilding in the Estates Local Plan in order to prioritise rehousing residents who are already living on the three estates in new homes built to modern standards and to progress a viable regeneration project.
Council Tax Support Scheme PDF 82 KB Additional documents:Decision:RESOLVED That Cabinet:
1. Agrees to the uprating changes for the 2017/18 council tax support scheme detailed in this report in order to maintain low council tax charges for those on lower incomes and other vulnerable residents.
2. Recommends to Council the adoption of the new 2017/18 scheme.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Finance introduced this report, noting the wish to continue to provide some financial assistance to working families and others on low incomes.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
1. Agrees to the uprating changes for the 2017/18 council tax support scheme detailed in this report in order to maintain low council tax charges for those on lower incomes and other vulnerable residents.
2. Recommends to Council the adoption of the new 2017/18 scheme.
Financial Monitoring September 2016 PDF 1 MB Decision:RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Notes the financial reporting data
relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net
overspend at year end of £5.695 million, 1.07% of the gross
Approves the virement of £120k from the corporate
contingency to Children, Schools and Families for the second
quarter costs of additional social worker capacity. C. Notes the adjustments to the Capital Programme detailed in appendix 5b.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report, noting concerns around the rising cost of proving services to children and adults in the face of increasing demand. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health gave a detailed update on actions being taken to closely monitor the adult social care budget.
The Leader formally noted his thanks to the Cabinet Member and officers for their efforts in managing the budget whilst continuing to provide services to vulnerable adults.
Notes the financial reporting data
relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net
overspend at year end of £5.695 million, 1.07% of the gross
Approves the virement of £120k from the corporate
contingency to Children, Schools and Families for the second
quarter costs of additional social worker capacity. C. Notes the adjustments to the Capital Programme detailed in appendix 5b.