Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Link: View the meeting here
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Irons. |
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Minutes:There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 86 KB Minutes:RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 are agreed as an accurate record. |
Announcements by the Mayor, Leader of the Council and Chief Executive Minutes:
The Leader spoke and provided updates on World Suicide Prevention Day, the Galpins Road incident, the response to the Study School incident, the anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth 2nd, recent GCSE and A Level exam results across the Borough, renovation of sports courts, the upcoming Merton Sports Day, the Kids Swim Free initiative, Cost of Living events, the local scrappage scheme and informed those present of an upcoming Cost of Living Event and a Leaders’ advice surgery.
There were no announcements from the Chief Executive.
The Mayor provided a brief update on her recent and upcoming events and activities.
Public questions to cabinet members PDF 69 KB The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting. Minutes:The responses to the written public questions were circulated prior to the meeting. There were no supplementary questions. |
Councillors' ordinary priority questions to cabinet members PDF 74 KB The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting Additional documents:
Minutes:The responses to the written member ordinary priority questions were circulated prior to the meeting. The Mayor then invited each of the members in turn to ask (if they wished) a further question to the Cabinet Member. A copy of the supplementary questions and responses will be included in the ‘member ordinary priority questions to Cabinet Members’ published document.
Strategic theme: Main report PDF 186 KB Minutes:The Strategic Theme report on Nurturing Civic Pride was moved by Councillor Stringer and seconded by Councillor Christie.
Councillors Bokhari, Austin, Mercer, Johnston, Dresselaers, Kohler and Fairclough also spoke on the item.
The Conservative Amendment 1 to the report was moved by Councillor Holden and seconded by Councillor McLean.
The Conservative Amendment 2 was moved by Councillor Barlow and seconded by Councillor Cox.
The Liberal Democrat Amendment 1 was moved by Councillor MacArthur and seconded by Councillor Galea.
The Liberal Democrat Amendment 2 was moved by Councillor Oliver and seconded by Councillor Fairclough.
The Conservative Amendment 1 was put to the vote and fell: Votes For – 26, Against – 29, Absentions – 1.
The Conservative Amendment 2 was put to the vote and fell: Votes For – 26, Against – 29, Abstentions – 1.
The Liberal Democrat Amendment 1 was put to the vote and fell: Votes For – 26, Against – 29, Abstentions – 1.
RESOLVED: That the Strategic Theme report is agreed. |
Strategic theme: Councillors' questions to cabinet members PDF 110 KB The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting. Additional documents:Minutes:The responses to the written member strategic theme priority questions were circulated prior to the meeting. The Mayor then invited each of the members in turn to ask (if they wished) a further question to the Cabinet Member. A copy of the supplementary questions and responses will be included in the ‘member strategic theme priority questions to Cabinet Members’ published document.
It was also noted that a copy of the remaining Member questions and responses will be published after the meeting, in line with Constitutional requirements.
Strategic theme: motions Minutes:There were no Strategic Theme motions submitted to the meeting.
Reports from community forum - Raynes Park, 28 June 2023 PDF 92 KB Minutes:Councillor Oliver presented the report which was received by the Council. |
Notices of motion No motions have been submitted. Minutes:There were no motions submitted to the meeting. |
Members Allowances Scheme PDF 131 KB Additional documents:
Minutes:The report was moved by Councillor Christie and seconded by Councillor Hayes.
Councillors Bhim, Mercer and McLean also spoke on the item.
The Liberal Democrat Amendment to the report was moved by Councillor Willis and seconded by Councillor Oliver.
The Liberal Democrat Amendment was put to a vote and fell: Votes for – 18, Against – 36, Abstentions – 2.
As six members of the Council requested that a recorded vote be taken on the vote on the substantive motion, a roll call was taken and the votes were as follows:
Votes in Favour (30): Councillors Akyigyina, Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Charles, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Johnston, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft, Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton and the Mayor Councillor Manly.
Votes Against (25): Councillors Austin, Barlow, Bokhari, Braithwaite, Cox, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Holden, Howard, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, McLean, Mercer, Oliver, Page, Paterson, Reiss, Willis and Wilson.
Abstentions (1): Councillor Foley
A. That the Council approved the recommendations of the Standards and General Purposes Committee set out in the report: (i) that the basic allowance should be increased to £12,014 in line with the recommendation of the 2022 Independent Remuneration Panel; (ii) to agree to award the Special Responsibility Allowances set out in appendix A; (iii) that Council reaffirms the linking of future allowances to the annual staff pay award, such increases to be applied automatically and that in future the Scheme be approved as part of the annual budget; (iv) that the Licensing Committee chair should also be the chair of the Licensing Sub committee meetings convened for the purpose of determining individual licensing applications (iv) that the new allowances should apply with immediate effect (as of 13 September 2023), but will not be backdated to 1 April 2023 |
Overview & Scrutiny Annual Report 2022/23 PDF 69 KB Additional documents:Minutes:The report was moved by Councillor Foley and seconded by Councillor Brunt.
The report was put to the vote and carried: Votes for – 38, Against – 17, Abstentions – 1.
That Council received the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report |
Standards and General Purposes Annual Report PDF 96 KB Additional documents:
Minutes:The report was moved by Councillor Whelton and formally seconded by Councillor Oliver.
Councillor Page also spoke on the item.
A That Council noted the Annual Report and agreed to its for publication and distribution to relevant stakeholders. B That Council noted the appointment of an independent person and to co-opt such a person onto the S&GP Committee for the purposes of providing advice on the audit functions of the S&GP Committee; and C That Council agreed the amended terms of reference for S&GP Committee in accordance with Appendix C |
Approved Capital Programme Amendments Requiring Council Approval PDF 116 KB Minutes:The report was moved by Councillor Christie and seconded by Councillor Kenny.
A. That Council approved Ricards Lodge Sixth Form Expansion scheme of £3,600,000 as detailed in the table below:
B. That the School Capital Maintenance Budget is treated as one budget for financial management, reducing substantially the level of formal approval required for budget virement sign off to provide valuable historic information whilst allowing for effective budget management. |
Changes to membership of committees and related matters PDF 64 KB Minutes:The report was formally moved by Councillor Bhim and formally seconded by Councillor Stringer.
That the Council:
1. Noted the changes to the membership of Committees that were approved under delegated authority since the last meeting of the Council. |
Minutes:The report was formally moved by Councillor Garrod and formally seconded by Councillor Stringer.
That Council
1. Notes the update on the petition received at the last meeting,
2. Accepts receipt of a petition presented by Councillors Dresselaers, Braithwaite and Brunt entitled Stop Rat Running through Abbey Road Neighbourhood.
Business for the next ordinary meeting of the Council Minutes:That the Strategic Theme for the next ordinary meeting of the Council, being held on 15 November 2023, shall be Borough of Sport. |