Contact: Consultation and Community Engagement Team
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Cllr Linda Kirby Minutes:The meeting was held at Colliers Wood Library and chaired by Councillor Linda Kirby. Ten residents and three councillors attended with 52 additional views on YouTube. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained how the meeting would work.
Open forum If you would like to raise an issue not already on the agenda you can email in advance to Minutes:A resident raised a concern about a storm in February that brought down fencing at a house on Acre Road that is owned by Clarion Housing. Both the tenant and their neighbours have not been able to get a response from Clarion.
A resident raised concerns about Grenfell Road being in poor condition with bin collection issues. Cllr Kirby said there was a long history of problems on this road. Cllr Kirby said residents could contact her for an update. The Waste Team had provided an update:
A resident raised concern about the unmanned Library opening hours as they feel unsafe in some areas of the library when it is not staffed. The resident said they understands it helps keeps the library open longer but very concerned about safety of users. Cllr Cooper-Marbiah said there was coverage with CCTV but happy to bring up the particular issues with library staff.
A resident said that the Veolia contract for street cleaning has been improved and then got worse again. They said street cleaning not robust enough and hoped the new contract will see improvement. They said the contract for collection flats would be weekly or as required but this hasn’t happened.
A resident said that some electric streetlights damaged and not repaired. These can be reported on the Council website.
A resident said that Wandsworth Council is building council housing, whereas Merton’s decision to transfer its stock was a mistake and the Clarion regeneration is resulting in higher housing costs. The resident wanted to know if Merton Council will be more joined up building affordable housing. Cllr Kirby said Cllr Garrod will set out some plans
Harry Cowd, Chair of the Board of Trustees of Merton Vision said that the organisation has been in discussion with NHS about developing Clarendon House into new GP surgery and headquarters. Harry as been told that all NHS developments now on hold due to price increases. If the project goes head Merton Vision would move temporarily to the Wilson but ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
London Assembly Update Leonie Cooper, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth Minutes:Leonie Cooper, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth, provided an update on the work of the London Assembly. The Assembly consists of 25 members, and Leonie was elected in 2016 and 2020 to represent Merton and Wandsworth. The Assembly’s role is to hold the Mayor of London to account in the areas where he has responsibility. The Assembly has plenary sessions twice a month with a focus on a key area, such as police, transport, or London 2012 legacy and then at the Mayors Question Time each month each Assembly Member has five mins to ask a question on any topic.
Leonie is lead Labour party lead for Environment and now Chairs the Oversight Committee that focuses on staffing and business of the whole Greater London Authority (GLA). Committees can undertake investigations and make recommendations. The Oversight Committee will be looking at pension funds for the Metropolitan Police, GLA, Transport for London and London Fire Brigade to see how investments are being managed. The Committee will also look at Green Bonds, with Mayor putting in £90m to lever in additional private funds to help achieve Net Zero.
Other big issues include Metropolitan Police with Sir Mark Rowley taking over as the new Commissioner and will be facing Assembly Members tomorrow to talk about the strategy for the Met including staffing, estates, and internal culture of officers. There is a lot to be done to regain public trust.
London Fire Brigade HMI report also found there was a need to change culture and other changes are being made in response to the Grenfell disaster including new equipment and policies.
Transport for London has been in an ongoing fight between City Hall and Department for Transport. TfL funding has been entirely from fares income since 2018 so COVID had a huge impact on income levels. Central government has funded other travel bodies without conditions but for TfL there have been a lot of difficult conditions to qualify for funding. TfL has recently consulted on extending the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to cover the whole of London and reducing bus services in central London and we are waiting for results to be published.
Next plenary is on the Cost-of-Living crisis and Leonie will be asking about improving energy efficiency.
A resident said buses during school travel time being very busy especially 57 and 200, and this was causing problems getting on. Leonie said she is happy to raise this with Deputy Mayor Seb Dance. The central London bus cuts do not directly impact Merton but we are unlikely to see increase in number of services. A resident asked if buses could cover part of route during peak time and Leonie said that this depends on turning the buses and capacity.
A resident said they did not know there was no government funding for TfL and Leonie said the previous Mayor, Boris Johnson, did a deal to offer up the TfL operating budget as austerity cuts to government before leaving office. This also means that ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Climate Change Action Plan Amy Mallet, Climate Engagement Officer Minutes:Dominique Hill, Climate Change Officer, Merton Council provided an update on the Climate Action Plan. In 2019 Merton Council declared a climate emergency with a target of achieving net zero for the Council by 2030 and borough by 2050. The Council is responsible for less than 2% of emissions. A Climate Strategy and Action Plan was agreed in 2020 and followed by two climate delivery plans.
There is a long way to go to meet targets and meeting them will require partnership working. There are other benefits to these actions including improving air quality, helping the local economy and jobs, as well as reducing fuel poverty.
Climate Action Group supports community action on climate in areas like buildings and energy, transport, green economy and greening Merton. Projects have included Merton Garden Streets, where residents and businesses have got involved in planting up their streets. So far 115 streets have signed up, with over 10,000 volunteer hours. Other projects include Energy Matters, promoting energy efficiency in schools, and the Wheel repair café, a chance for residents to bring goods that can be repaired. There are repair café and upcycling events taking place at Canon’s House in November and December. The Climate Action Group is looking for more volunteers and you can email the team if you want to get more involved.
The Council is developing a Climate Action Engagement Strategy to look at how best to engage residents and will be developing a survey for residents to take part.
The best way to keep in touch with that is happening is to sign-up to the e-newsletter. You can also pledge to take action and share your story online using the hashtag #MertonClimateAction to encourage others to do the same. You can find lots of pledge ideas by looking up Merton climate pledges.
Mayor of London’s Warmer Homes scheme provides funding for low income, low energy efficiency households. This closes in March 2023 and is the currently only funding scheme available.
A resident asked about the Library of Things and Dominque said this was based at Morden Library. Another resident asked if it was possible to donate tools to the Library and Dominque said she would need to check.
A resident asked about the impact of paving over front gardens for parking and said that it needs education to encourage residents to plant in their front gardens. Cllr Kirby said too many cars for on street parking to be free and any paving over should involve a porous surface.
Cllr Macauley said that Hawthorn Avenue looks lovely after involvement in the Garden Streets.
A resident said that Clarion needs to let planting to develop before being cut down. They also said that the council should lobby for reduced paperwork for extensive solar panels and that the Church of England is looking at green issues locally. They also said that there should be a green sign-off on planning applications.
A resident asked about non-electronic communications and Dominque said that the team ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Council Update Leader of the Council, Councillor Ross Garrod Minutes:
Civic Pride
Building Sustainable Future
Sporting borough
Actions so far have included
A resident said that Colliers Wood Library is important existing community hub but feels unsafe when not staffed. Cllr Garrod said that since introduction of ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |