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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Vestry Hall, 336 London Rd, Mitcham CR4 3UD

Contact: Consultation and Community Engagement Team 

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions



Mitcham Town Centre pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Mark Warren, Mitcham Town Centre Manager


Mark Warren, Mitcham Town Centre Manager, gave a presentation on the Town Centre. Mark is one of two new roles, the other is a market manager who will be starting soon. The Winter Weekend in December 2023 received good feedback from attendees. Around 2000 people attended, and some local businesses also reported increased sales. Food and craft market in February half-term was also busy with positive feedback from stall holders.


Canons House workspace now open to book. Community groups will be able to use the venue free on the last Monday of the month and the exhibition space will also open soon.


At Vestry Hall Grow London is offering free drop-in business support on 25 March from 2-4pm. There will be an Easter Crafts event on 23 March by Mitcham Arts Collective and volunteers are needed for the Chris Frost Memorial Garden needed, please contact if you are interested.


SGN works continue on London Road until November. There is a compensation scheme for businesses and Cllr Mundy some Low Traffic Neighbourhoods will be paused to relieve traffic.


Royal British Legion hosting coffee morning on Wednesday mornings. Exercise classes taking place on the Fair Green on Saturday and Tuesdays. New businesses have opened including cafés and restaurants.


Mitcham Matters consultation took place in late 2023 and Mark also did a focused study with under 25-year-olds at the beginning of 2024. A final report due in the summer but in the meantime, Mark has already started to respond to some of the feedback including events, litter picking and improved landscaping. The final report will include analysis of the consultation responses and key objectives for the future of the Town Centre.


A resident asked if Mark had also had feedback from businesses, and Mark said that Greater London Authority grant funding has been delivered through the Licensing team and Business & Economy team and they have been talking to businesses.  Mark has also spoken with many informally. Merton Council will be reporting back to the GLA after the funding ends.


A resident asked about problems with traffic light sequencing, and Mark explained that these are managed by Transport for London, but he can raise problems with colleagues in Highways who can report them to TfL.


A resident said that the shop next to the post office always seems closed, but Mark explained that this was a counselling service that was appointment only so is open but discreetly.


A resident said there was an issue with crossing at Coldharbour Lane near the Windmill Pub as drivers cannot see the lights. Mark said he can raise with the Highways Team but residents can report issues with traffic lights directly to TfL who are responsible for them.


A resident asked about the date for the Mitcham Carnival and if there would be better promotion for events. The date for this year’s carnival will be announced on Friday 24 February. Mark is working with colleagues to develop a communications plan for Mitcham that will identify what kinds  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Local news and events


Cost of Living

Events continuing including April at Merton Civic Centre in Morden, June at Pollards Hill Library, September at Colliers Wood Library and November at Mitcham Library. Please check the council’s website and social media for the latest information. There is a Cost-of-Living e-newsletter you can sign up for.


Local Plan

The Local Plan sets the strategic planning policies for the borough. Following the review by the Planning Inspectorate they have recommended several changes to the draft local plan. Residents can view these changes at and any comments should be submitted by Friday 22 March 2024.


Longthornton Road traffic calming

To address rat running and speed, the Council is considering the introduction of a road closures along Longthornton Road at the junctions with Rowan Road, Standford Road and Hemlock Close.  To facilitate unhindered access for emergency services, the closure will be non-physical and will be enforced by an ANPR camera. You can find out more and complete a survey at 


Voter ID

London elections on 2 May will be the first in Merton where voters will require photographic ID. You can find a list of acceptable ID on our website and apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if you need one. 


Scrutiny suggestions

The Scrutiny Team are asking for suggestions for local issues that the various Panels could investigate in 2024/25. You can complete an online form at or email 


The Wheel's Repair Café

The next session is on 16 March 2024, 13:00 – 16:00 at Canons House & Grounds


Climate Action

The next Resident Summary Report of Merton’s Climate Delivery Plan is out tomorrow. This report tracks our progress over the last year and shows residents what we have planned for 2024, to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change in Merton.


The Merton Voice Box

The Merton Voice Box is an audio-visual portrait of three areas in the London Borough of Merton: Mitcham, Colliers Wood & Pollards Hill. Created by Philip Bennett, a professional filmmaker and sound artist from south London, portraits, voices and sounds were recorded in conversations between the artist and twelve special people who agreed to participate and give some of their thoughts and experiences of what Dignity, Pride, Community and Impact means to them. On display at Mitcham library until 31st March, then Colliers Wood, Morden and Pollards Hill in April.


Activity Finder

New website to help residents find low-cost physical activities.  



Open forum


A resident asked if there was an update on the Burn Bullock. Kris Witherington said that the planning enforcement team are waiting for the decision of the appeal to the planning inspectorate, whilst Development Control colleagues are still waiting for the outstanding documents to validate the two applications that were submitted to the Council last year. In addition, officers are looking at external sources of funding that could assist with the building.


A resident asked about road maintenance and Cllr Mundy said there is a list of planned road works. He would be happy to do a site visit to difficult areas. Another resident said that are issues with pavements. Cllr Butcher said he did a walk around with officers last summer and raised several problems to resolve. It is worth reporting to make sure issues are prioritised. 


A resident asked when works at Mitcham Eastfields will start. Cllr Mundy said there had been a groundbreaking ceremony recently and work has begun. The work will be done in phases and is part of a wider estate programme across the borough.


A resident said there have been lots of problems with the 118 bus service. Some problems caused by roadworks in Mitcham, others by problems on Streatham High Road. Cllr Mundy said we raise this with Leonie Cooper AM.


A resident asked about the former Nat West site planning application and Cllr Mundy said this is still in pre-application discussions. Another resident asked about the Gassworks site on Western Road and Cllr Mundy said the developer is doing further work on the design. The Goat Road application is expected to come to Planning Applications Committee in May. 


A resident said there are issues with some poor streetlights. Cllr Kawessa said he met with borough commander yesterday to discuss violence against women strategy, and there is street safe platform to report safety concerns in public places.


A resident said there are problems with dockless hire bikes blocking the pavement. Cllr Mundy said we need to report bikes causing problems so we can get contractor to deal with them. The resident said they also raised cycling on the pavement raised with Police Safer Neighbourhood Team, but it is not a priority for them.


Cllr Mundy suggested asking the police to come to the next meeting.


Cllr Henry asked if there plans for the Canons changing room and Mark said Green Spaces are planning to bring back into use.


Date of next meeting


To be confirmed