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Issue - meetings

Business Plan 2017-21

Meeting: 19/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Business Plan 2017-21 pdf icon PDF 703 KB


RESOLVED: That Cabinet


1.         Note the rolled forward MTFS for 2017 - 21.

2.         Confirm the latest position with regards to savings already in the MTFS.

3.         Agree the approach to setting a balanced budget using weighted controllable expenditure for each department as the basis for the setting of targets.

4.         Agree the proposed departmental targets to be met from savings and income.

5.         Review the targets and the MTFS at the next meeting in light of the actions identified in response to the monitoring report recommendations set out elsewhere on this agenda.

6.       Agree the timetable for the Business Plan 2017-21 including the revenue budget 2017/18, the MTFS 2017-21 and the Capital Programme for 2017-21.

7.       Note the process for the Service Plan 2017-21 and the progress made so far.

8.         Consider and review the draft Efficiency Plan at Appendix 3 and request officers to submit a final version to the DCLG by the deadline of 14 October 2016 in order to qualify for the four year funding offer.



This report was introduced by the Director of Corporate Services.  She highlighted the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-21 as detailed in the report and also noted the deadline for the submission of the draft Efficient Plan to the DCLG in order to qualify for the four year funding offer.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet


1.         Note the rolled forward MTFS for 2017 - 21.

2.         Confirm the latest position with regards to savings already in the MTFS.

3.         Agree the approach to setting a balanced budget using weighted controllable expenditure for each department as the basis for the setting of targets.

4.         Agree the proposed departmental targets to be met from savings and income.

5.         Review the targets and the MTFS at the next meeting in light of the actions identified in response to the monitoring report recommendations set out elsewhere on this agenda.

6.       Agree the timetable for the Business Plan 2017-21 including the revenue budget 2017/18, the MTFS 2017-21 and the Capital Programme for 2017-21.

7.       Note the process for the Service Plan 2017-21 and the progress made so far.

8.         Consider and review the draft Efficiency Plan at Appendix 3 and request officers to submit a final version to the DCLG by the deadline of 14 October 2016 in order to qualify for the four year funding offer.