8 Financial Monitoring January 2017 PDF 793 KB
That Cabinet
1. Note the financial reporting data relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net overspend at year end of £5,901 million, 1.1% of the gross budget.
2. Note the proposals set out in 2.4 to fund this shortfall without any impact on services in the current year.
3. Give authority to the Director of Corporate Services in conjunction with Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance to progress the details of this scheme totalling an estimated £558,900, subject to a detailed review of the business case and specification of works.
The Cabinet Member for Finance presented the report Financial Monitoring January 2017, and asked members to note that the overspend has been slightly reduced and actions have been taken on the shortfall with no reductions in services.
Members noted the third recommendation tabled on the night, regarding Merton’s financial contribution to the proposed project of refurbishment and an extension to the Coroners Court at Horseferry Road.
That Cabinet
1. Note the financial reporting data relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net overspend at year end of £5,901 million, 1.1% of the gross budget.
2. Note the proposals set out in 2.4 to fund this shortfall without any impact on services in the current year.
3. Give authority to the Director of Corporate Services in conjunction with Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance to progress the details of the scheme to refurbishment and extend the Coroners Court at Horseferry Road. totalling an estimated £558,900, subject to a detailed review of the business case and specification of works.