6 Parks and Greenspace - Grounds Maintenance Commissioning PDF 163 KB
That Cabinet noted and confirmed:
A The delegated authority of the Executive Director - Environment, Civic Pride and Climate, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Civic Pride and Climate Change, to complete negotiations and finalise a contract extension agreement with idverde.
B. Extending the existing contract from 1st February 2025, for 21 months, until 31st October 2026, as per the February 2024 Cabinet report, will result in a contract value of £3.356m per annum. Noting a request that future annual reviews are linked to inflation, capped at 4%.
C. The contract will be novated from the South London Waste Partnership, (SLWP) to the London Borough of Sutton – as the borough with the longest contract extension term (3+2 years), however, variations to the contract and payment mechanisms will be different per borough; and,?
D. A separate proposed report to Cabinet will be made in early 2025 regarding future options for the delivery of the service.
The Cabinet Member for Civic Pride and Climate Change presented the report which provided an update on the maintenance contract of park and greenspaces which was due to be finalised following negotiations with an extension of 21 months from February 2025, with updated costs and process following a decision in February 2024. Following additional work and the impact of rising costs and other pressures the additional budget required had increased, having tested out financial models and considered alternatives the proposal was to proceed with the extension. A separate report on future options in the longer term would be brought to Cabinet in 2025. The Cabinet Member thanked officers for their work.
That Cabinet noted and confirmed:
A The delegated authority of the Executive Director - Environment, Civic Pride and Climate, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Civic Pride and Climate Change, to complete negotiations and finalise a contract extension agreement with idverde.
B. Extending the existing contract from 1st February 2025, for 21 months, until 31st October 2026, as per the February 2024 Cabinet report, will result in a contract value of £3.356m per annum. Noting a request that future annual reviews are linked to inflation, capped at 4%.
C. The contract will be novated from the South London Waste Partnership, (SLWP) to the London Borough of Sutton – as the borough with the longest contract extension term (3+2 years), however, variations to the contract and payment mechanisms will be different per borough; and,?
D. A separate proposed report to Cabinet will be made in early 2025 regarding future options for the delivery of the service.