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Issue - meetings

Agency Worker Contract

Meeting: 15/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 5)

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1.1 That Cabinet approve the direct award for the provision of the Agency Worker Contract using the ESPO MSTAR4 framework for a period of 12 months to provide sufficient time for a comprehensive options appraisal of the service to be undertaken and once the new model has been agreed, the time for a procurement exercise and implementation of the new contract.


1.2 That Cabinet approve the direct award for the provision of temporary agency worker recruitment services to the current contractor Comensura Limited using the ESPO MSTAR4 framework for a 12 month period from 13th December 2025 until December 2026 at a cost of £20m so we can continue with Comensura whilst future alternative options are evaluated and progressed.


Councillor Christie introduced the report. 


I response to questions it was confirmed that:


-        Securing best value in all contracts and all areas of operation was a priority for this administration.  Seeking to convert staff to permanent positions where possible and deliver ongoing savings;

-        As set out in report the council would use the period of this extensions to look at other options, other providers or different arrangements or continue with the current arrangement to ensure we have confirmation that we continue to deliver value for the Council and tax payers.





1.1 That Cabinet approve the direct award for the provision of the Agency Worker Contract using the ESPO MSTAR4 framework for a period of 12 months to provide sufficient time for a comprehensive options appraisal of the service to be undertaken and once the new model has been agreed, the time for a procurement exercise and implementation of the new contract.


1.2 That Cabinet approve the direct award for the provision of temporary agency worker recruitment services to the current contractor Comensura Limited using the ESPO MSTAR4 framework for a 12 month period from 13th December 2025 until December 2026 at a cost of £20m so we can continue with Comensura whilst future alternative options are evaluated and progressed.