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Issue - meetings

Adoption of Merton's Local Plan

Meeting: 04/11/2024 - Cabinet (Item 4)

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That Cabinet recommends that full council (20th November 2024):


A.    Adopts Merton’s Local Plan and Policies Map to replacing Merton’s Core Planning Strategy 2011 and Merton’s Sites and Policies Plan 2014.


B.    Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development to approve all the necessary adoption documents and other consequential matters in accordance with the appropriate Regulations


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development presented the report, noting that the Local Plan had now been through the final modifications of the inspectors and that the Local Plan was intended to be considered by Full Council on 20 November for adoption to replace core planning strategy dating back to 2011 and Merton’s sites and policies plan from 2014. The report would also be considered by the Development and Planning Applications Committee. The Cabinet Member gave an overview of the report recommendations.


The Cabinet Member thanked officers for their work and noted some changes which would be made prior to the Full Council report. In response to questions from the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member spoke of the importance of the plan.




That Cabinet recommends that full council (20th November 2024):


A.    Adopts Merton’s Local Plan and Policies Map to replacing Merton’s Core Planning Strategy 2011 and Merton’s Sites and Policies Plan 2014.


B.    Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development to approve all the necessary adoption documents and other consequential matters in accordance with the appropriate Regulations