7 Financial Monitoring Report PDF 1 MB
A. That Cabinet noted the financial reporting data for Quarter 3 (period 9), December 2023, relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net adverse variance at 31st December on service expenditure of £1.185m when corporate and funding items are included.
B. That Cabinet noted the contents of Section 5 and appendices 5a to 5c and approve the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the 4 Tables here.
C. That Cabinet noted the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the table here.
D. That Cabinet approve the 15 revenue civic pride investing in neighbourhoods and climate action fund bids below as contained in Appendix 5d and summarised in the Table here:
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report noting that the net position for the current financial year was much closer to a balanced one and thanked officers for their work. It was noted that there were still clear pressures on departmental budgets.
The Executive Director advised that departmental spend controls were having an impact.
A. That Cabinet noted the financial reporting data for Quarter 3 (period 9), December 2023, relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net adverse variance at 31st December on service expenditure of £1.185m when corporate and funding items are included.
B. That Cabinet noted the contents of Section 5 and appendices 5a to 5c and approve the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the 4 Tables here.
C. That Cabinet noted the adjustments to the Capital Programme in the table here.
D. That Cabinet approve the 15 revenue civic pride investing in neighbourhoods and climate action fund bids below as contained in Appendix 5d and summarised in the Table here: