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Issue - meetings

Parks and Greenspaces Service

Meeting: 19/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Parks and Greenspaces Service pdf icon PDF 251 KB




That Cabinet:


A. Noted the potential options for the future delivery of the service and the estimated costs.

B. Agreed to an extension of the existing contract with idverde by 21 months (till 31 October 2026) to facilitate detailed consideration of all options for the future delivery of the Parks and Greenspace service.

C. Noted the delegated authority (as per the Contract Award decision 4 July 2016) to the Executive Director - Environment, Civic Pride and Climate (ECPC), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Green Spaces and Climate Change (LEGSCC), to complete negotiations and finalise a contract extension agreement with idverde, in accordance with the terms set out in this report. D. Noted the requirement to give both idverde and the London Borough of Sutton (as a joint procurer) notice of any intention not to renew the existing contract for a term of a further eight years – subject to this being waived by the parties


The Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Greenspaces and Climate Change presented the report, outlining the recommendation to agree a short extension with the current provider under the current contract. Future options for the service would be thoroughly assessed.




That Cabinet:


A. Noted the potential options for the future delivery of the service and the estimated costs.

B. Agreed to an extension of the existing contract with idverde by 21 months (till 31 October 2026) to facilitate detailed consideration of all options for the future delivery of the Parks and Greenspace service.

C. Noted the delegated authority (as per the Contract Award decision 4 July 2016) to the Executive Director - Environment, Civic Pride and Climate (ECPC), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Green Spaces and Climate Change (LEGSCC), to complete negotiations and finalise a contract extension agreement with idverde, in accordance with the terms set out in this report. D. Noted the requirement to give both idverde and the London Borough of Sutton (as a joint procurer) notice of any intention not to renew the existing contract for a term of a further eight years – subject to this being waived by the parties