11 London Borough of Culture Bid PDF 123 KB
A. That Cabinet noted the progress in developing the bid for Merton to become the London Borough of Culture in 2027.
B. That Cabinet reviewed the emerging themes and agree the direction of travel for the bid to be submitted to the Greater London Authority (GLA) by 30 November 2023 deadline
The Cabinet Member for Civic Pride presented the report noting that Merton was applying for the 2027 bid, the paper outlined the amitions around this particularly around sporting heritage. The Cabinet Member thanked officers for their work and noted that the bid used the theme of connection. The bid would be submitted later in the month, and would be advised in the new year if the bid was progressing to further stages.
In response to questions from the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member stated that the consultation had tried to involve as wide a range of voices as possible including charities, heritage organisations, businesses and others. If the bid was successful, the Council would work further with communities to ensure it was accessible and attractive to all.
The Leader thanked the Cabinet Member and officesr for their work.
A. That Cabinet noted the progress in developing the bid for Merton to become the London Borough of Culture in 2027.
B. That Cabinet reviewed the emerging themes and agree the direction of travel for the bid to be submitted to the Greater London Authority (GLA) by 30 November 2023 deadline