5 Revenues and Benefits System Contract PDF 157 KB
A. That Cabinet awarded a contract for the provision of Revenues and Benefits System to Civica UK Ltd
B. That Cabinet approved a 7 year +2 contract with the existing supplier, Civica Uk Ltd, to facilitate moving to a Cloud based solution.
C. That the authority to take up the optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Chief Officer and Executive Director Finance and Digital
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report, which recommended procurement of a cloud version of the service which would be more secure and resilient in the face of cyber threats. It was noted this was a 7 year contract with a two year extension.
A. That Cabinet awarded a contract for the provision of Revenues and Benefits System to Civica UK Ltd
B. That Cabinet approved a 7 year +2 contract with the existing supplier, Civica Uk Ltd, to facilitate moving to a Cloud based solution.
C. That the authority to take up the optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Chief Officer and Executive Director Finance and Digital