8 Council housing delivery update and pipeline PDF 217 KB
A. That Cabinet noted the update and recommendations arising from the externally led asset review on how the Council’s ambition to deliver 400 new council homes can be met.
B. That Cabinet agreed not to dispose of the next tranche of sites, as previously agreed, and instead allocates the sites for the affordable homes programme either through Council led delivery or development partnership.
C. That Cabinet approved design and viability work to being on the following three sites: Worsfold House, Chaucer Centre and Gifford House.
D. That Cabinet approve the commencement of soft market testing with the private sector on a partnership arrangement to deliver homes at the land at Battle Close.
E. That Cabinet approved the allocation of the expected capital receipt from the sale of the land at St George’s Rd to support the design work for the three sites highlighted above in C, and to support procurement for development through a partnership for the land at Battle Close, if soft market testing is positive.
F. That the land at 111-127 The Broadway SW19 (also known as P4) be brought to the market and that the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development, be authorised to agree terms for a disposal.
G. That the capital receipt from the sale of the land at 111-127 The Broadway SW19 is ringfenced to support the delivery of the Council’s affordable homes programme.
H. That Cabinet noted the finance, timescale and officer resource implications for the continuing programme, including the conclusions from a report into the viability and timing of setting up a new Council Housing Revenue Account
I. That Cabinet noted the proposed Governance arrangements for ensuring oversight of the housing programme moving forward
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development presented the report, thanking officers for their report, noting that the report had identified the next tranches of sites and agreement was now sought to progress those. The Cabinet Member gave an overview of the tranches and the proposals. The Cabinet Member outlined proposals for a New Homes Steering Group which would guide decisions which would then go to Cabinet and Council and a Merton New Homes Board which would include officers from the legal, finance and others.
In response to questions from the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member responded that the decision on who would be responsible for managing the homes would be for a future date, likely in 12-18 months time.
A. That Cabinet noted the update and recommendations arising from the externally led asset review on how the Council’s ambition to deliver 400 new council homes can be met.
B. That Cabinet agreed not to dispose of the next tranche of sites, as previously agreed, and instead allocates the sites for the affordable homes programme either through Council led delivery or development partnership.
C. That Cabinet approved design and viability work to being on the following three sites: Worsfold House, Chaucer Centre and Gifford House.
D. That Cabinet approve the commencement of soft market testing with the private sector on a partnership arrangement to deliver homes at the land at Battle Close.
E. That Cabinet approved the allocation of the expected capital receipt from the sale of the land at St George’s Rd to support the design work for the three sites highlighted above in C, and to support procurement for development through a partnership for the land at Battle Close, if soft market testing is positive.
F. That the land at 111-127 The Broadway SW19 (also known as P4) be brought to the market and that the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development, be authorised to agree terms for a disposal.
G. That the capital receipt from the sale of the land at 111-127 The Broadway SW19 is ringfenced to support the delivery of the Council’s affordable homes programme.
H. That Cabinet noted the finance, timescale and officer resource implications for the continuing programme, including the conclusions from a report into the viability and timing of setting up a new Council Housing Revenue Account
I. That Cabinet noted the proposed Governance arrangements for ensuring oversight of the housing programme moving forward