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Merton’s Civic Pride Fund – Investing in Neighbourhoods and Merton’s Community Climate Action Fund

Meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Merton’s Civic Pride Fund – Investing in Neighbourhoods and Merton’s Community Climate Action Fund pdf icon PDF 122 KB




That Cabinet

1. Approved the proposed approach to launching and administering Merton’s new Community Climate Action Fund alongside Merton’s Civic Pride Fund – Investing in Neighbourhoods.

2. Approved the amended assessment criterion B set out at para 2.13 for Merton Civic Pride Fund – Investing in Neighbourhoods so that it refers to the Council Plan – “Building a Better Merton Together” which confirms the context for the council’s strategic objectives.

3. Approved the proposed criteria for Merton’s new Community Climate Action Fund. 4. Noted the new prioritisation guidance for both funds, as well as the additional information requirements for projects which have already received council funding.

5. Approved the proposed timetable set out in Section 5 of the report.


The Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Greenspaces and Climate presented the report and provided an overview of the recommendations.




That Cabinet

1. Approved the proposed approach to launching and administering Merton’s new Community Climate Action Fund alongside Merton’s Civic Pride Fund – Investing in Neighbourhoods.

2. Approved the amended assessment criterion B set out at para 2.13 for Merton Civic Pride Fund – Investing in Neighbourhoods so that it refers to the Council Plan – “Building a Better Merton Together” which confirms the context for the council’s strategic objectives.

3. Approved the proposed criteria for Merton’s new Community Climate Action Fund. 4. Noted the new prioritisation guidance for both funds, as well as the additional information requirements for projects which have already received council funding.

5. Approved the proposed timetable set out in Section 5 of the report.