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Issue - meetings

Council delivery of Affordable Housing

Meeting: 19/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Council delivery of Affordable Housing pdf icon PDF 232 KB




A. That Cabinet provided approval to enter into a Collaboration Agreement with L&Q carry out the development management and delivery of 93 Council Homes for the Council.

B. That Cabinet delegated the decision on the final terms of this Collaboration Agreement to the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development, and for the Council to enter into this final form of the Collaboration Agreement.

C. That Cabinet approved expenditure of up to £176,500 to cover the reasonably incurred costs in implementing project activity to tender stage.

D. That Cabinet noted the ambition to create exemplar, sustainable, low or zero carbon homes. This will include a materials-led approach to assure sustainability and reduced energy costs for residents. Various options will be investigated in terms of innovation, value for money and best practice from other councils and house builders.

E. That Cabinet noted the update on the creation of a strategy for the remainder of the housing delivery programme, with the aim of a sustainable pipeline, either self-funding or minimising capital subsidy.

F. That Cabinet noted that no arrangement has yet been made for the future letting and management of the completed units. This will be the subject of a future report and recommendation.

G. That Cabinet delegated to the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development, authority to enter into agreements documenting the planning obligations for the four sites on such terms as are considered reasonable to the Council as landowner.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development presented the report which outlined the beginning of the process of the Council delivering affordable, low carbon housing, initially for the first 93 of 400 homes on the first four sites which had obtained planning permission, however noting that one would be redesigned. The Cabinet Member outlined the recommendations within the report.


In response to questions, the Cabinet Member advised that L&Q would be delivering at cost not for profit and that they currently built up to 3000 homes a year. The first 93 homes would be social rent and the proposal was to build a minimum of 400 homes by the end of the next three years. The company were committed to training and building the expertise of staff and development opportunities would be available to local companies as well as job opportunities for local people.




A. That Cabinet provided approval to enter into a Collaboration Agreement with L&Q carry out the development management and delivery of 93 Council Homes for the Council.

B. That Cabinet delegated the decision on the final terms of this Collaboration Agreement to the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development, and for the Council to enter into this final form of the Collaboration Agreement.

C. That Cabinet approved expenditure of up to £176,500 to cover the reasonably incurred costs in implementing project activity to tender stage.

D. That Cabinet noted the ambition to create exemplar, sustainable, low or zero carbon homes. This will include a materials-led approach to assure sustainability and reduced energy costs for residents. Various options will be investigated in terms of innovation, value for money and best practice from other councils and house builders.

E. That Cabinet noted the update on the creation of a strategy for the remainder of the housing delivery programme, with the aim of a sustainable pipeline, either self-funding or minimising capital subsidy.

F. That Cabinet noted that no arrangement has yet been made for the future letting and management of the completed units. This will be the subject of a future report and recommendation.

G. That Cabinet delegated to the Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development, authority to enter into agreements documenting the planning obligations for the four sites on such terms as are considered reasonable to the Council as landowner.