10 Public Health commissioned services contract extensions report PDF 177 KB
A. That Cabinet agreed to extend the children and young people’s 0-19 health services contract for 12 months (from April 2024 to March 2025) where we have already used the extension options contained within the original contract (see D below).
B. That Cabinet agreed to extend the Adult Substance Misuse contract for a period of 12 months (from April 2024 to March 2025) which builds on the previously agreed 12 month extension which has not been enacted so will require to extend as a single 24 month extension. We have already used the extension options contained within the original contract.
C. That Cabinet agreed to extend the Integrated Sexual Health (ISH) service contract by 6 months (April 2024 to September 2024) allowable within the existing contract and a further period of up to 6 months (October 2024 to March 2025) where the extension options within the existing contract have been used (see D below)
D. That Cabinet approved for these contract extensions to be made under Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations (PCR 2015) without substantial changes to these named contracts as there are no remaining options for extending the existing contracts.
E. That Cabinet noted that the purpose of the three service contract extensions is to align to a large South West London primary and community health services model and pathways being developed in partnership with NHS SWL Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB), to allow the opportunity to explore an integrated system with the potential for integrated service models, pathways and joint commissioning options.
F. That Cabinet delegated authority to the Executive Director Adult Social Care, Integrated Care and Public Health to finalise and approve terms and conditions for the contract extensions, within existing public health grant budget and compliant with public health duties
The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report and gave an overview of the recommendations.
A. That Cabinet agreed to extend the children and young people’s 0-19 health services contract for 12 months (from April 2024 to March 2025) where we have already used the extension options contained within the original contract (see D below).
B. That Cabinet agreed to extend the Adult Substance Misuse contract for a period of 12 months (from April 2024 to March 2025) which builds on the previously agreed 12 month extension which has not been enacted so will require to extend as a single 24 month extension. We have already used the extension options contained within the original contract.
C. That Cabinet agreed to extend the Integrated Sexual Health (ISH) service contract by 6 months (April 2024 to September 2024) allowable within the existing contract and a further period of up to 6 months (October 2024 to March 2025) where the extension options within the existing contract have been used (see D below)
D. That Cabinet approved for these contract extensions to be made under Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations (PCR 2015) without substantial changes to these named contracts as there are no remaining options for extending the existing contracts.
E. That Cabinet noted that the purpose of the three service contract extensions is to align to a large South West London primary and community health services model and pathways being developed in partnership with NHS SWL Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB), to allow the opportunity to explore an integrated system with the potential for integrated service models, pathways and joint commissioning options.
F. That Cabinet delegated authority to the Executive Director Adult Social Care, Integrated Care and Public Health to finalise and approve terms and conditions for the contract extensions, within existing public health grant budget and compliant with public health duties