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Issue - meetings

Extension of Community Dementia Services

Meeting: 20/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Extension of Community Dementia Services pdf icon PDF 127 KB




A. That Cabinet approved the modification of the contract to allow extension of Community Dementia Services provided by Alzheimer’s Society for a further 2 1/2 years (From 1 October 2023-31 March 2026)


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report, proposing an extension of the current contract, noting that the Council was happy with the service provided. The Council hoped to time the following contract in line with other Boroughs.


In response to questions from Cabinet Members, the Cabinet Member advised that extending the contract would continue to develop a community based model for another year and then the Council would look at recommissioning and that it was clear the contract so far had been a success, following extensive consultation with the current users and stakeholders.




A. That Cabinet approved the modification of the contract to allow extension of Community Dementia Services provided by Alzheimer’s Society for a further 2 1/2 years (From 1 October 2023-31 March 2026)