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Issue - meetings

Award of Contract for Security and Support Services

Meeting: 17/05/2023 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Award of Contract for Security and Support Services pdf icon PDF 178 KB




1. That Cabinet awarded a new contract to Bidder C for the provision of security and support services covering Merton’s Civic centre, Libraries, Vestry Hall and Canon’s Old House together with mobile and ad hoc security services to other corporate buildings and Leisure services events for a period of three years (3) with a potential extension of up to 12 months. The contract value is set out in Exempt Appendix.

2. That Cabinet delegated the decision to award an extension of the awarded contract to the Executive Director of Innovation & Change in consultation with the Cabinet Member, for any period up to 12 months (1 year) in accordance with CSO 27


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report, advising that the new contract had been procured for three years with the potential for a further year extension and brought the security contracts into a single contract. The Cabinet Member advised that all staff would be paid the London Living Wage.




1. That Cabinet awarded a new contract to Bidder C for the provision of security and support services covering Merton’s Civic centre, Libraries, Vestry Hall and Canon’s Old House together with mobile and ad hoc security services to other corporate buildings and Leisure services events for a period of three years (3) with a potential extension of up to 12 months. The contract value is set out in Exempt Appendix.

2. That Cabinet delegated the decision to award an extension of the awarded contract to the Executive Director of Innovation & Change in consultation with the Cabinet Member, for any period up to 12 months (1 year) in accordance with CSO 27