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Issue - meetings

Business Plan 2023-27

Meeting: 05/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Business Plan 2023-27 pdf icon PDF 2 MB




1. That Cabinet considered and agreed the draft growth proposals (Appendix 4) put forward by officers and refers them to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in January 2023 for consideration and comment.

2. That Cabinet considered and agreed the new savings proposals for 2023/24 to 2026/27 (Appendix 5) and refers them to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in January 2023 for consideration and comment.

3. That Cabinet considered and agreed the new capital proposals for 2023/24 to 2026/27 and the draft Capital Programme 2023-2027 (Appendix 7) and refers them to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in January 2023 for consideration and comment.

4. That Cabinet agreed the proposed Council Tax Base for 2023/24 set out in paragraph 2.7 and Appendix 1.

5. That Cabinet noted that Equalities Impact Assessments for each saving, where applicable, will be included in the Member’s Information Pack for consideration in future meeting


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report noting the savings proposals and growth proposals for the following years budget. It was noted that there remained a £4.3million gap for the following year, although the £10m of additional inflationary costs had been budgeted for. Work was continuing to bring forward addition savings and income proposals and the Council was awaiting details of the financial settlement later in December 2022.


It was noted that the Business Plan would go through the Scrutiny panels in January.




1. That Cabinet considered and agreed the draft growth proposals (Appendix 4) put forward by officers and refers them to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in January 2023 for consideration and comment.

2. That Cabinet considered and agreed the new savings proposals for 2023/24 to 2026/27 (Appendix 5) and refers them to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in January 2023 for consideration and comment.

3. That Cabinet considered and agreed the new capital proposals for 2023/24 to 2026/27 and the draft Capital Programme 2023-2027 (Appendix 7) and refers them to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in January 2023 for consideration and comment.

4. That Cabinet agreed the proposed Council Tax Base for 2023/24 set out in paragraph 2.7 and Appendix 1.

5. That Cabinet noted that Equalities Impact Assessments for each saving, where applicable, will be included in the Member’s Information Pack for consideration in future meeting