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Climate Accreditation: embedding Merton’s climate commitments through senior staff and councillor training

Meeting: 10/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Climate Accreditation: Embedding Merton’s climate commitments through senior staff and councillor training pdf icon PDF 584 KB

Additional documents:




A. That Cabinet approves the commitment of senior council staff and cabinet members to undertake carbon literacy training provided by APSE (Association of Public Service Excellence). Training undertaken by the Chief Executive and Directors will enable the council to achieve ‘Bronze Level Carbon Literacy Accreditation’.

B. That Cabinet approves the commitment of Commercial Services staff and those most involved in contract management and commissioning to undertake procurement specific carbon literacy or climate change training.

C. That Cabinet approves volunteering officers to achieve carbon literacy accreditation.


The Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Green spaces and Climate Change presented the report which outlined the Council’s plan to achieve climate accreditation within the Council through training the Chief Executive, Directors and Cabinet Members to become climate literate. The report also outlined recommendations to train commercial services staff and to approve literacy training for officers who work with volunteers.




A. That Cabinet approves the commitment of senior council staff and cabinet members to undertake carbon literacy training provided by APSE (Association of Public Service Excellence). Training undertaken by the Chief Executive and Directors will enable the council to achieve ‘Bronze Level Carbon Literacy Accreditation’.

B. That Cabinet approves the commitment of Commercial Services staff and those most involved in contract management and commissioning to undertake procurement specific carbon literacy or climate change training.

C. That Cabinet approves volunteering officers to achieve carbon literacy accreditation.