6 Council Tax Support Scheme 2023/24 PDF 153 KB
1. That the updating revisions for the 2023/24 council tax support scheme detailed in the report be agreed, in order to maintain low council tax charges for those on lower incomes and other vulnerable residents.
2. That Cabinet agreed the proposed revisions to the 2023/24 scheme
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report which followed a recent consultation and would be considered by Council in November 2022. The scheme would be proposed to be kept in line with the Government scheme and for any in-year changes to be made as required.
The Cabinet Members for Civic Pride, Sport and Heritage and Health and Social Care spoke in support of the proposal.
1. That the updating revisions for the 2023/24 council tax support scheme detailed in the report be agreed, in order to maintain low council tax charges for those on lower incomes and other vulnerable residents.
2. That Cabinet agreed the proposed revisions to the 2023/24 scheme