6 Treasury Management Annual Review report PDF 532 KB
A. This is an update on the Merton Treasury management activity during 2021-22 and details any activities in accordance with the Treasury management strategy approved in March 2021.
B. That Cabinet noted the report together with compliance with the CIPFA code
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services presented the report noting the Council had continued to manage its’ invested funds for the 2021/22 financial year and had received a larger income return than had been anticipated with the budgeted. No new loans had been taken out since 2007. The Cabinet Member thanked the Director and her team for their work.
The Cabinet Member for Transport spoke to this achievement and thanked the Director and the Cabinet Member.
A. This is an update on the Merton Treasury management activity during 2021-22 and details any activities in accordance with the Treasury management strategy approved in March 2021.
B. That Cabinet noted the report together with compliance with the CIPFA code