A. That Cabinet agreed an exemption from Contract Standing Order 19 to directly award Central London Community Health Trust (CLCH) a contract which extends their existing contract for the delivery of Health Visiting, School Nursing and Young Parents Service in the London Borough of Merton for the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.
B. The extension will ensure continuity of these essential public health services for children whilst a robust review is undertaken, and a commissioning and procurement plan is developed and implemented.
C. The value of the Exemption is provided in Appendix B (Exempt)
The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report and gave an overview of the recommendations.
A. That Cabinet agreed an exemption from Contract Standing Order 19 to directly award Central London Community Health Trust (CLCH) a contract which extends their existing contract for the delivery of Health Visiting, School Nursing and Young Parents Service in the London Borough of Merton for the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.
B. The extension will ensure continuity of these essential public health services for children whilst a robust review is undertaken, and a commissioning and procurement plan is developed and implemented.
C. The value of the Exemption is provided in Appendix B (Exempt)