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Issue - meetings

Parking Infrastructure and future payment methods and modernisation.

Meeting: 12/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Parking Infrastructure and modernisation. pdf icon PDF 667 KB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet:


1.1. Approved Option 1 as set out in section 5. To replace 78 existing high usage pay and display machines with new Payment Terminals commencing in October 2021. 1.2. Agreed to remove the remaining 334 low usage, cash (coin) only pay and display machines, and to remove a further 22 machines where an alternative upgraded payment terminal will be available and offer pay by RingGo or cash at local retail outlets.

1.3. Agreed to the introduction of the use of PayPoint at retail outlets throughout the Borough to allow for cash payments to be taken for pay to park at all on street parking locations. The current network of PayPoint retailers is set out in appendix 1C attached.

1.4. Approved the installation of:-

1.5. 28 new on street payment terminals with coin, card and contactless payment facilities , 33 new on street payment terminals with card (chip) and contactless payment facilities only as they are considered medium usage machines.

1.6. All 14 of the councils car parks will have at least one machine that accepts coins, contactless, and card (chip) payment facilities. These machines will also be able to produce a VAT receipt for customers on request. 3 car parks will have an additional machine with contactless and chip facilities due to high usage.

1.7. It is recommended that the cash facilities at new payment terminals in the Borough remain under review. The ability to remove the payment terminal cash boxes in Page 17 Agenda Item 72 the future will be determined by means of reviewing usage figures and customer payment patterns as demand for cash payments changes over the coming years.

1.8. Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Regeneration, Housing and the Climate Emergency and Adult Social Care and Public Health, to finalise any operational matters in relation to the implementation of the proposals.


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency presented the report and outlined the recommendations to replacement and introduction of a number of pay and display machines across the Borough with implementation from October 2021.


In response to a Cabinet Member question, the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency reassured members that cash payments would still be accepted in the list of retailers detailed within Appendix 1C of the report.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


1.1. Approved Option 1 as set out in section 5. To replace 78 existing high usage pay and display machines with new Payment Terminals commencing in October 2021. 1.2. Agreed to remove the remaining 334 low usage, cash (coin) only pay and display machines, and to remove a further 22 machines where an alternative upgraded payment terminal will be available and offer pay by RingGo or cash at local retail outlets.

1.3. Agreed to the introduction of the use of PayPoint at retail outlets throughout the Borough to allow for cash payments to be taken for pay to park at all on street parking locations. The current network of PayPoint retailers is set out in appendix 1C attached.

1.4. Approved the installation of:-

1.5. 28 new on street payment terminals with coin, card and contactless payment facilities , 33 new on street payment terminals with card (chip) and contactless payment facilities only as they are considered medium usage machines.

1.6. All 14 of the councils car parks will have at least one machine that accepts coins, contactless, and card (chip) payment facilities. These machines will also be able to produce a VAT receipt for customers on request. 3 car parks will have an additional machine with contactless and chip facilities due to high usage.

1.7. It is recommended that the cash facilities at new payment terminals in the Borough remain under review. The ability to remove the payment terminal cash boxes in Page 17 Agenda Item 72 the future will be determined by means of reviewing usage figures and customer payment patterns as demand for cash payments changes over the coming years.

1.8. Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Regeneration, Housing and the Climate Emergency and Adult Social Care and Public Health, to finalise any operational matters in relation to the implementation of the proposals.