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Issue - meetings

Plan Wimbledon Neighbourhood Area and Forum application

Meeting: 22/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Plan Wimbledon Neighbourhood Area and Forum application pdf icon PDF 6 MB

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A. That Cabinet noted the consultation responses to the publication of the PlanWimbledon neighbourhood area and forum applications.

B. That Cabinet refused PlanWimbledon’s application as a neighbourhood forum.

C. That Cabinet declined to determine PlanWimbledon’s Neighbourhood Area application because, following the refusal of the neighbourhood forum application, there would be no organisation that is capable of being designated as a neighbourhood forum in relation to it.

D. That Cabinet encouraged and supported further dialogue between PlanWimbledon and the business community towards resolving the issues identified in this report.


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency presented the report which was in response to an application received from Plan Wimbledon for a proposed neighbourhood forum and following a public consultation on the proposal as required under planning legislation.


It was noted that a decision on the proposal was required within 13 weeks and therefore a recommendation was required from the Cabinet which would go to Full Council in July 2021.


The consultation had received over 1300 responses and over 90% of these were from residents and in support, however there were also a number of objections to the proposal including from the business community.


Following consideration of the proposal, it was not believed that the application satisfied the criteria under section 61f part 7a of the Town and Planning Act and therefore the Council were legally required to refuse the application, however the Cabinet Member recognised the work that had gone into the application and hoped that PlanWimbledon and the business community could work together to resolve the issues.


The Joint Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Performance, Recovery and the Local Economy spoke noting that it was important that all parties were able to have their say and be mindful of all views expressed.


In response the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency responded that this was important and it was a concern that the number of younger people who had responded was very low and that all parts of the community needed to be involved.




A. That Cabinet noted the consultation responses to the publication of the PlanWimbledon neighbourhood area and forum applications.

B. That Cabinet refused PlanWimbledon’s application as a neighbourhood forum.

C. That Cabinet declined to determine PlanWimbledon’s Neighbourhood Area application because, following the refusal of the neighbourhood forum application, there would be no organisation that is capable of being designated as a neighbourhood forum in relation to it.

D. That Cabinet encouraged and supported further dialogue between PlanWimbledon and the business community towards resolving the issues identified in this report.