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Issue - meetings

Adoption of FutureWimbledon supplementary planning document

Meeting: 12/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Adoption of FutureWimbledon supplementary planning document pdf icon PDF 450 KB

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RESOLVED: That, having taken the advice from Borough Plan Advisory Committee, Cabinet:

A. Agreed the Consultation Report (Appendix B), including comments, responses and where applicable, amendments to the SPD.

B. Noted the Council has undertaken a screening exercise with relevant statutory bodies to confirm that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required to support the SPD.

C. Noted that whilst the Council’s constitution permits Cabinet to agree the Adoption of SPDs; in recognition of the cross-party political representation in Wimbledon wards, the decision will be presented to Council.

D. That Cabinet recommended to Council;

i. The adoption of the Future Wimbledon Supplementary Planning Document

(Appendix A) in accordance with the Town & Country Panning (Local

Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

ii. Delegate to the Director of Environment & Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Housing & Transport, the making of minor factual, editorial and image changes to the SPD prior to publication.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Housing and Transport presented the report which set out the draft FutureWimbledon Supplementary Planning Document, which would provide guidance on the design of development and public space and a long term vision for the area, balancing the residential centre with the growth of a strong commercial and employment base.  It would also be key in the recovery of the town centre following the covid-19 pandemic.  He advised that the building heights plan would be amended for the report to Council to reflect that the St George’s East block would be part 8, 10 and 12 stories to be consistent with the neighbouring buildings.  He thanked all the officers involved in the formulation of the plan.


In response to Cabinet questions, the Cabinet Member advised that the SPD would allow a degree of flexibility in light of any changes brought about by the covid-19 pandemic. 


The Cabinet welcomed the report and the engagement which had taken place with local residents.


Before moving to the recommendations, the Chair advised that the Cabinet Members had received comments from the Reverend of St Marks Church.


RESOLVED: That, having taken the advice from Borough Plan Advisory Committee, Cabinet:


A.   Agreed the Consultation Report (Appendix B), including comments, responses and where applicable, amendments to the SPD.

B.   Noted the Council has undertaken a screening exercise with relevant statutory bodies to confirm that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required to support the SPD.

C.   Noted that whilst the Council’s constitution permits Cabinet to agree the Adoption of SPDs; in recognition of the cross-party political representation in Wimbledon wards, the decision will be presented to Council.

D.   That Cabinet recommended to Council;

i.              The adoption of the Future Wimbledon Supplementary Planning Document (Appendix A) in accordance with the Town & Country Panning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

ii.            Delegate to the Director of Environment & Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Housing & Transport, the making of minor factual, editorial and image changes to the SPD prior to publication.