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Issue - meetings

Bishopsford Road Bridge - preferred option

Meeting: 24/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Bishopsford Road Bridge - preferred option pdf icon PDF 145 KB

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1.    That Cabinet continues to recognise the urgency and importance of reopening Bishopsford Road Bridge and reaffirms its commitment to holding special meetings where necessary.

2.    That Cabinet selects the demolition of the existing structure and the erection of a new bridge [options 5 or 6] as the preferred option from a number of options explored to reopen the bridge.



The Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Housing and Transport presented the report which set out a range of options, costs and a timetable for reopening the bridge as quickly and as safely as possible. 


The Director of Environment and Regeneration recognised the significant impact of the loss of the bridge and reassured Members that officers were working extremely hard and as fast as possible behind the scenes to bring the bridge back into use.  The recommendations in the report would see a new bridge being built as quickly as possible.


The Chair welcomed the report and highlighted the discussions which had taken place with his fellow ward Members and residents, TfL, utilities companies and local businesses to mitigate the impact and provide support.




1.    That Cabinet continues to recognise the urgency and importance of reopening Bishopsford Road Bridge and reaffirms its commitment to holding special meetings where necessary.

2.    That Cabinet selects the demolition of the existing structure and the erection of a new bridge [options 5 or 6] as the preferred option from a number of options explored to reopen the bridge.