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Issue - meetings

7 Rural Way, Streatham SW 16 6PF

Meeting: 13/02/2020 - Development and Planning Applications Committee (Item 13)

13 7 Rural Way, Streatham SW 16 6PF pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Application Number: 19/P3893                  Ward: Graveney


Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to relevant conditions


Additional documents:


PAC Resolved that Application 19/P3893 is: Refused Planning Permission. Reasons will be detailed in the Minutes


Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of 3 x 3 bed terraced houses. associated landscaping and creation of amenity areas, parking and cycle storage


The Committee noted the officer’s report and presentation


The Committee received verbal representations from two objectors to the application, who made points including:

·         3 narrow properties on this site is over intensive, it is overdevelopment and is not in keeping with the road.

·         There are other new town houses in the road but not three in a terrace

·         There is a perfectly good house on the site already, and this proposal will result in the loss of trees

·         This development will cause overlooking, and loss of privacy to neighbours

·         The increase in hardstanding and the removal of trees will lead to an incresae in the likelihood of  flooding


The Committee received a verbal representation from the Applicant’s agent, who made points including:

·         The previously refused scheme did accept the principle of more intensive development, but was based on 6 units across 2 existing plots.

·         This new proposal is half the size of that originally proposed, but is on the larger of the two plots.

·         This proposal is a better wider design that the previous application

·         There are no issues of overlooking, the bulk has been reduced with smaller dormers and the eves kept low

·         The precedent has already been set by number 21

·         The hardstanding will improve the landscaping at the front and all details have been accepted by the flood risk officer


Members commented that two house would look better than three, and that the frontage of 15.8m will look large on the street.


Members commented that this was overdevelopment of the site and a refusal on the grounds of Bulk and Massing being too great for the site was proposed and seconded.




The Committee voted to:


1.      REFUSE Planning Permission for the following reasons:

·         Bulk and massing resulting in overdevelopment of the site


2.      DELEGATE to the Director of Environment & Regeneration the authority to make any appropriate amendments in the context of the above to the wording of the grounds of refusal including references to appropriate policies