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Issue - meetings

Schools annual report (CYP 14.03.18)

Meeting: 14/03/2018 - Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 5)

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Jane McSherry, Assistant Director for Education, provided an introduction to the report:

·         Sacred Heart has recently received its Ofsted inspection and moved to a good judgement.  As a result 93% of Merton’s schools are now judged good or outstanding with 95% of Merton’s  pupils attending good or outstanding schools;

·         Merton’s schools are now  ranked 10th nationally for maths and reading progress at Key Stage 2;

·         At Key Stage 4, the results of Merton’s schools place it first in the country above both London and national averages;

·         There is a focus on post 16 performance and how Merton’s success at Key Stage 4 can be sustained for this older age group;

·         Numbers of those not in education, employment or training (NEET) are very low with Merton achieving in the first quartile for those in employment, education or training; and

·         School attendance is high meaning that Merton has moved from 10th to 8th nationally for its performance.


It was agreed that each section of the report would be detailed individually and members given the opportunity to ask questions.


Ofsted outcomes and school improvement

Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Head of School Improvement, highlighted that for the period of the report (the last academic year, 2016-2017) there was a slight drop in school performance with 89% of schools judged good or outstanding.  However, Merton’s schools have been on an upward trajectory during the period following the report with significant amounts of support and challenge provided to the schools that were in the requires improvement category.  There are now only four schools that are judged to require improvement.


In response to member questions, the Assistant Director and Head of Service clarified:

·         The inspection of Benedict Primary School, included in the report, is its first inspection since it became an academy.  Whilst the overall judgement was requires improvement the inspection report noted some good features.  The sponsor is keen to work with the authority to achieve improvement.  This is a service for which the authority is making a charge;

·         The support provided by the authority for schools that require improvement is bespoke and based on a strong understanding of the improvement needed (provided by Ofsted and other sources).  This is guided and overseen by a designated Merton Education Partner.  Additionally, Merton is implementing Support and Challenge Groups for each school with a requires improvement designation.  The groups meet half termly to provide further oversight of improvement work and the progress of pupils in year is tracked amongst other indicators.  Accurate data is key with support provided to ensure this is adequate;

·         Highlighted that whilst there is a focus on those that have been identified through the Ofsted inspection process to require improvement, the Department also focuses on those schools that might be at risk of slipping; and

·         School improvement includes working with the governors.  Officers will attend governor meetings as required.  The work of the Governor Support Service was also highlighted.  Where required, there can be a review of governance with external support for this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5