Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Delivery of Clarion's Estate Regeneration
RESOLVED that Cabinet recommends to full Council support for the following:
1. The considerable work already underway to support the regeneration of Eastfields, High Path and Ravenbury estates; attracting £1bn investment in Merton, creating much needed new homes and jobs.
2. To agree in principlethat the Council exercises its compulsory purchase powers to support the delivery of the Merton Estates Regeneration Programme and the objectives of Merton’s Estates Local Plan to acquire the land as required within the areas described in the Cabinet report and shown edged red on the plans attached at Annex 1 of the Cabinet report.
3. That Council Officers in conjunction with Clarion Housing Group (Clarion) begin preparatory work for the compulsory purchase which would include specific land interests to be acquired so that Clarion can deliver the regeneration of the Eastfields, High Path and Ravensbury Estates.
4. That Personna Associates land referencing agents be appointed by Clarion who will be responsible for the costs of that appointment and serve requisitions on landowners who will declare their land interests.
5. That Council officers commence the preparation of all documents required to support the CPO process including preparation of the necessary statements of reasons and the requisite statutory notices.
6. That the Council and Clarion enter into a Compulsory Purchase Order Indemnity Agreement under which Clarion will indemnify the Council against all the costs and expenses involved in making the CPO including the acquisition costs of the properties and the compensation due to Landowners.
7. That a financial allocation may be required for the Council’s Capital Programme from 2018-19 onwards deliver this approach. Any financial allocation would be considered by the Council’s financial approval process nearer the time under the Council’s Constitution and would be fully indemnified by Clarion Housing Group as set out in Recommendation 6.
8. That officers agree the joint appointment of Leading Counsel with Clarion Housing Group and the appointment of Leading Counsel to provide advice to the Council, if necessary.
Report author: Paul McGarry
Publication date: 17/01/2018
Date of decision: 15/01/2018
Decided at meeting: 15/01/2018 - Cabinet
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