Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To review the financial position of the authority and adjust financial information as appropriate and approval to enter into a GLA grant agreement for grant from Homes for Londoners: Affordable Homes Programme 2021-2026.
A. That Cabinet notethe financial reportingdata for period 7(October) relatingto revenue budgetarycontrol, showinga forecastnet adversevariance of
£13.387mwhen corporateand fundingitems areincluded.
B. ThatCabinet notethe contentsof Section7 ofthe reportand appendices5a to 5d and approve the proposed adjustments to the programme in Appendix 5b ThatCabinet notethe contentsof Section7 ofthe reportand appendices5a to 5d and approve the proposed adjustments in the Table here: Monitoring Report 2024-25 - period 7 Cabinet with appendices v2.pdf
C. ThatCabinet notethe conditions/termsin relationto theGreater London Authority(GLA) grantsfor thefirst 93houses andapprove enteringinto agrant
agreement with the GLA to receive the grants from the GLA's Homes for Londoners: Affordable Homes Programme 2021-2026 Greater London Authority (GLA) and approve the Section 151 officer signing the grant agreements on behalf of Merton.
Report author: Amy Dumitrescu
Publication date: 18/12/2024
Date of decision: 16/12/2024
Decided at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/12/2024
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