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Gifts and hospitalities

 Registered gifts and hospitalities

  • 24/03/2024 - 'The chai tea bags will have cost approximately £15 (it was a big box), and the chocolates £23 offered by Maria Pillay, Flat 2 Broughton House, 16 Denmark Hill SW19 4HF, and Blanca Newland, Flat 3 Broughton House; I had gone for tea with two residents, and as I was leaving they gave me these presents as Easter presents. They told me they had bought the tea specially as they knew I liked spiced chai tea. It would have been churlish and offensive to say no, so I accepted the presents. ; Value £38
  • 23/12/2023 - Grande Luca Pannetone, acrylic iphone stand, box of shortbread, sandalwood soap, value unknown but over £25 offered by Chandra Pillay and Blanca Newsome, residents of Flats 3 and 2 Broughton House, Denmark Avenue; These were unsolicited Christmas gifts from two residents, they were thoughtful gifts, and the residents had gone to some trouble - the presents were wrapped and with a card, and were left on my doorstep. I think the two residents would have been very hurt if I had rejected their gifts, and I was pleased to accept them.
  • 12/12/2023 - Neil's Yard Geranium & Orange handset offered by Tamora and Chris Rusby; It was very kind of these residents to give me a gift, and it would have been very churlish to decline to accept it. ; Value £35
  • 29/11/2023 - Aguardiente, Columbian Coffee, a Columbian clock, a Columbian ornament and a Columbian fridge magnet offered by Vijji Pillay, c/o Chandra Pillay, Flat 2, Broughton House, 16 Denmark Avenue SW19 4HF (Vijji Pillay lives in Columbia and has returned there); I went for tea with two residents and to meet one resident's sister, who was visiting from Columbia. As I was leaving I was given a big bag of presents which the sister had brought from Columbia for me as a thankyou for helping her sister (my resident - I helped her sort out her benefits and get support from Wimbldon Guild) and I could not possibly have said no without causing great upset. ; Value £30
  • 05/10/2023 - Invitation to a wine tasting put on by the WEHRA residents' association offered by Wimbledon East Hillside RA; It is described as " a small thankyou", I would like to attend and I think maintaining relationships with, and meeting members of my local residents' associations is a good thing to do. I think it would also be churlish to refuse. ; Value £25
  • 20/09/2023 - An invitation from Wimbledon Bookfest to launch drinks at the Library and to attend a talk afterwards. offered by Wimbledon Bookfest; The evening is taking place at the Library in my ward. I think the Bookfest is a very good thing and I would like to be supportive of it. It would be churlish to decline. Value unknown but could be more than £25
  • 20/09/2023 - A day of teaching and lunch offered by Daniella Myers, London Jewish Forum; I think it is important to learn as much as possible about all my residents, and I don't have much contact with the Jewish community in Hillside, though I am aware we have a number of Orthodox Jews in the ward. Value unknown but likely more than £25
  • 14/09/2023 - A paperback novel and an offer of tickets received from Wimbledon Bookfest offered by Wimbledon Bookfest; I did not accept the offer of tickets, the book was sent unsolicited and it would be ungracious to send it back. Value unknown, but expected to be over £25
  • 09/05/2023 - Lunch at Vincent's (Westminster Catering College) offered by Lynne Gordon (chair of WEHRA); I was invited to lunch by two residents (one the chair of a local residents' association) both of whom are very engaged locally and have been very supportive and helpful in my first year as their ward councillor. The invitation was expressed as a thankyou for the last year and was I am sure entirely without strings or expectation. It would have been churlish to say no, and was a very pleasant lunch. ; Value £37